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Finding Miller gave me the motivation to begin. It wasn't going to be easy, I felt like I was going against some sort of religion. It was definitely foreign but if I was going to stay on the team, I had to do this.  

I talked to Justin as convinced him to put a good word for me. It wasn't easy getting that guy to agree but a bit of negotiation goes a long way. We were in the same boat too so when I reminded him of that, I guess he understood. We were talking for a good hour or so... Man I felt bad for him, I'd never really assessed his point of view but seriously, it was messed up that Corey did that to him. I'm pretty sure he was personally targeting Justin or something. His best friend and his Ex-girlfriend... that must be tough.

In the end, I managed to have him agree. It was a painstaking talk though, I felt like I was on pawn stars or something. His favourite phrase had to be 'what about Lexa?' and I truly didn't know how to reply. Just a shrug from me gave him his answer.

"Harry" I heard behind me. I chose to ignore it. 

"Harry!" I heard again, this time louder. I recognised the voice of Miller.

"Hi mate, how's you?" I turned around and grinned.

"Not good, Ella left about as soon as you did. What happened last night?" He frowned with a slight nuance of anger in his voice.

I shrugged "I don't know, I just got annoyed. Sorry."

Miller nodded "don't worry about it, I'm sure I can do something to fix what happened"

"Mmhmm" I hummed "I guess I'd better hurry up"

"I guess you'd better" Miller agreed, giving me a friendly punch on the arm before turning the corner to his sixth period.

I breathed out, holding my arms above my head. This was going to me a long day.


"Justin, why do you like him so much all of a sudden?" I giggled, showing my confusion.

Justin had been bad mouthing Harry since the day he joined the team. It was always 'Harry's too loud', 'Harry's a player', 'Harry fights too much', 'Harry loves himself' and I agreed. I didn't know him enough to have my own opinion of him so I just rolled with whatever Justin said, assuming it was the truth. This opinion was so burnt into my mind that I pretty much hated Harry.

"That doesn't matter. Point is, he really likes you. You should give him a chance" He huffed, sending me a slight smile.

I rolled my eyes "Shut up Justin, he doesn't even know me"

"He does. He's really" He paused as if mentally preparing himself for something. "He's really nice"

I spluttered, coughing as I laughed. "You can not be serious, you resent him"

Justin only nodded. I couldn't tell if he was agreeing or disagreeing but I didn't care, I was blatantly shocked. I placed my hand on Justins forehead, pretending to check his temperature.

"You alright? Do you need to lay down? Do you need some water?" I laughed.

"Haha be quiet" He scoffed "I just think you should give him a chance, that's all. You know, live a little."

I squinted my eyes, attempting to detect any lies or tells that he was joking. "Awww look who's all soppy because of Anna... do tell"

"Nothings happened and I'm not soppy." He mimicked my toned of voice, making me pout. "I'm just tryna help, I have to go. We should get to maths"

Justin collected his textbooks before waving goodbye awkwardly and sauntering down the hallway. I furrowed my eyebrows with my confusion. What on earth?

Grabbing my books, I stood up and ventured on my way to maths. I groaned at the thought of having to write a single number, let alone take an entire class on trigonometry again - cause I was definitely going to use that in the future!

As I entered the classroom, Mr Stewart smiled at me and nodded towards my seat as though I had forgotten where I sat. I smiled back and thanked him before taking my seat right in the middle of the room.

The teacher began the lesson and I soon became a bored mess, losing my train of thought and hardly concentrating on anything.

Soon, the lesson was over and I was almost asleep. I pushed my chair out and stood up, walking out of the classroom, my bag swung around my shoulder.

"Hey, Lexa?" A familiar voice called out from behind me, I couldn't quite make out who it was though.

I turned around to reveal Harry, I mentally braced myself for the next few minutes. Nodding slowly as a reply, I knitted my eyebrows together, sending him a slight smile.

"I was thinking..." He began before stopping himself and breathing out a huge sigh.

"You were thinking?" I laughed, dragging out my words.

"Oh - right - if you want to go get something to eat sometime. You know, if you can" He smirked, almost making me squirm.

Just as I was about to reject him, I remembered what Justin had told me. 'Give him a chance ... live a little'. Surely he couldn't be serious about me dating Harry. But what if he was?  Would he get mad if I said no? I truly despised Harry but I didn't know him. Maybe he liked me because he assumed I was what someone else said. I knew that could happen. It would be an opportunity to get to know him and that could be good.

What's the point in saying no?

Letting out a huge sigh, I turned my dipped head to face him. "Might as well"

Harry smiled and rolled from his heels to his tiptoes and back again, sucking in his lips. "So, we'll talk tomorrow, yeah?"

Nodding, I smiled "yeah"


Awwwwwww, I feel bad for Lexa but I'm happy too. Xoxoxo

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