Chapter 2: Guilt

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P.O.V: Lucy

I began to slowly open my eyes to examine the place where I was but I stopped when I felt a strong pain at the beginning of my leg, I pushed the blankets to see the source of the pain and I found my leg bandaged.

"W-What happened to my leg?" I murmured kind of afraid.

"The last thing I remember was fainting in the middle of the battle.."

"And that's when a Swird took advantage and tried to eat you."
I looked where the voice came from, it was Erza coming into the room.

"Swird?" I asked.

"Is the name of the monsters." Erza told me as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks to Natsu you're alive..." She told me. "But even so, a Swird's fang reached your leg." The knight gritted her teeth with anger.

"Oh..," I tried to process all this new information. "But it'll be heal already, don't be worry." I said trying to calm her anger.

"That's not why I'm worried." She clarified.

"Ohh.. then why?" I asked confused.

"Natsu..," She clenched her fist. "He is very badly wounded.. to save you he let the fangs pierce him instead of you." Erza had tears in her eyes.

I moved my hand to my mouth, thinking of the image of Natsu with the fangs through him.

This wouldn't have happened if I were strong enough to at least be aware

I looked at Erza and I just realized how wounded she was, had bandages everywhere, and her eye...

"Erza... your eye.." I said, shocked.

"Tsh," She looked away clenching her teeth. "It's nothing... I had already lost it once."

It's all my fault

I thought fighting back the tears.

"Gray.. ho-how is he?" I said with a little hope.

"Physically he's better than us, but he's very angry about what happened.. to Natsu.." She swallowed before continuing.

"All he does is blame you.."

I couldn't help myself and I started to cry. Tears fell on my cheeks, I covered my face with my hands to prevent Erza from seeing me in this state.


"Don't" I cut her off. "Just leave me alone." I said between tears and sobs.


"Please Erza! I beg you!" I lifted my head to look at her.

The scarlet girl walked to the door to leave the room but before she left, she turned and looked at me.

"I just want you to know that I'll always be here... for you." Erza as one tear fell from her eye.

And then she closed the door behind her.

"Erza.." I just murmured her name after what I had just heard from her.

What am I going to do? I only caused problems... because after all... I'm a problem.

They are always rescuing me, I depend on others and thank to this they are injured. I don't want to hurt them anymore.

"I'm too weak for this."

I sat on the bed and as I could I tried to get up.

The first time I almost fell when I put force on my injured leg, but then I could walk without exerting much effort on my wound.

I walked to the door, opened it and noticed that there was no one around so I left the room and start search for the exit.

The place looked like a hut so it didn't take long to find the exit and get out of there.

Outside there was a forest so it would be difficult for me to get away quickly before they found me, especially Erza since Natsu couldn't move and Gray wouldn't even want to know about me.

"Okay, I have to be quick and careful not to hurt myself more than I am." I said while planning how to 'escape'.

I started to enter the forest and looked for my compass key to help guide me to Magnolia.

"Open, Gate of the compass, Pyxis!"

In a golden light Pyxis appears and he shows me where Magnolia is and I started running towards that direction.

-Time skip-

Apparently the hut was more close to Magnolia that Muermos, cause I arrived in less than 2 hours to the city.

Once I arrived I was completely tired and my wound had begun to bleed a little because of the force I applied in running through the woods, so I quickly went to my house.

Once I had arrived I went up the stairs as I could and went to the bathroom.

I cut the bandages to expose the wound and it was worse than I was expecting. In the forest somehow the wound got dirty and was slightly open because of the effort I have made at running.

I cleaned the wound, I treated it and changed the bandages.

After that, I rested a little and I ate to recover energies.

I have to move fast before any of the guild comes for me

I thought, resting on a wall while eating a sandwich.

Once I finished eating I began to prepare a bag with the necessary, clothes, food, first aid, books on magic for my training and other things.

Before I left I put on a black cloak with a hood so nobody would recognize me.

I will become stronger. I will no longer depend on anyone and nobody will look at me in less. I will not need to be rescued. I will only need myself and nobody else.

And with that in mind I left Magnolia to never return as the Lucy Heartfilia that was known.

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