Chapter 10: Confusion

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P.O.V: Erza

I started waking up. The first thing I felt was all my body hurting.. and I knew perfectly the reason of this pain.

I opened my eyes. It was morning, pretty early actually. I looked around.

I was in my room. In my bed. Then I looked at my side.

There she was.


She was still sleeping and I stared at her for a moment.

All kind of emotions and feelings running through my head, I didn't know what and how to feel towards her. I liked Lucy, even probably loved her, but what she did.. I didn't know how to take it and what to think about it.

I just tried to convince myself that it wasn't her. What happened it was just because of that strange new thing inside of her, whether it was magic or not, it was something strange... mostly new. Which made it harder to understand it, to understand her and well... her actions.

While I was staring at her it repeated inside my mind every detail of what had happened the day before.

I.. It wasn't her.

I kept repeating to myself.

It wasn't her.

I started sobbing. I was afraid. Afraid of Lucy.

But I was also angry. Maybe angry with myself, because after all.. I let this happen.

I sat up, still sobbing while I was trying to get out of my bed.

P.O.V: Lucy

I started to woke up when I felt noice near me. I opened my eyes, groaning a little, not wanting to wake up yet.

The first thing I noticed was where I was; Erza's room, and I was naked in her bed. I turned on my back only to find Erza sobbing in the attempt of getting up.

I frowned in confusion before noticing the bruises on her back and the rest of her body, making me worried, "Erza?" I tried to catch her attention.

She walked towards her bathroom, ignoring me in the process. My instincts were getting up and following her. So I did it, covering myself with the sheets while Erza wore a big shirt.  I grabbed her arm to turn her around but she yanked her arm away from my grip.

"Erza what happened?" I asked while frowning at her suddenly reaction towards my touch.

She turned around to face me, she was fighting to contain the tears that attempted to slide down through her face. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked, with tints of sadness and anger in her voice.

I widened my eyes a little shocked when I heard Erza's words, without being able to say anything in return.

She frowned while looking into my eyes for just a second before turning to look away, down at the floor and muttering, "I can't believe that you don't even remember..."

I walked a little closer to her not understanding the situation. "Erza talk to me, what happened?" I asked and I started to think about the whole thing, analyzing the signs and putting the worst cases into my head. "Did I.. do something... to you?" I asked afraid of the answer.

She kept in silence before walking towards her bathroom again.

"Erza-" I was cut off by the slamming of her door when she stepped inside of the bathroom, leaving me alone to think of the worst possible scenarios of what had happened yesterday.

I walked closer to the bathroom's door and leaned my forehead against it. "Erza.." I started, trying to get to her in some way. "Please talk to me." I spoke softly while moving my right hand to the door handle.

"Le-Leave.. me alone." She sobbed between her words. I grabbed the door handle and turned it. It was locked, no surprise.

"I won't leave you alone," I stated. "That's not even an option."

"You don't get to decide everything!" She said, a little hard by the way. "You did enough already.." Erza finished, almost murmuring the last part.

What was that supposed to mean? She was being pretty unfair right here, I don't know what happened yet she's blaming me for something that I don't know a shit about.

"I did enough?" I repeated her words. "What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You seriously don't remember?" She spoke with anger. "Anything?" I heard her voice moving closer to the door.

"I..." I tried to remember.. anything. "No, I don't." I responded.

I heard her unlocking the door before opening it. She looked at me in the eyes, her eyes were wet, saddened. "You're pretty fucked up then." She said coldly.

I looked at her and gulped at her words, didn't expecting such behavior from her. "Erza..," I frowned with confusion and unknowingness. "Help me here."

"Ha..," She chuckled skeptical. "Why should I listen to you and your requests when you didn't care a shit last night?" Erza asked, revealing some stuff there.

I shifted my gaze away from her eyes, down to the ground, ashamed of myself, of not being able to remember something so important to her, something that's really affecting her. "I'm sorry." It was all what I could say.

"Sorry for what Lucy?" She asked, maybe mocking of me a little. "You're asking for forgiveness when you don't even know what you did wrong," She told me. "Am I right?"

I gulped hard, knowing she was absolutely right. "You're right." I ceded.

"Just go away," Erza walked past me, pushing my shoulder with hers. "I don't want you here." She told me.

I felt the sadness building up inside me as I heard her words. I wasn't used to her talking to me like this. I mean, yea, she was tough with the others, that was nothing​ new, but with me.. she was different. She was sweet, softer, she loved me. And I'm not sure of that anymore.

Whatever happened last night, I fucked it up this time, I really did. And I don't​ know if I will be able to fix it, not when I don't even know what was my mistake, what happened.

I needed her help on this one, but she wasn't showing any hints of giving me some help, not now nor in the future.

I sighed before looking over my shoulder at her, she was already at the door, holding it open for me.

I frowned in frustration and walked towards the door, I stopped before stepping outside of the room. I looked at her, she wasn't looking at me. "Erza please." I tried one last time.

"Don't make this harder for me." She told me before biting her lower lip with anger, or sadness, I don't know​ at this point.

I looked at her a little longer before turning my head towards the hallway outside her room, I walked out, Erza closing her door behind me.

Closing her heart behind me.

What am I gonna do now?

Sorry, didn't edit and short chapter this time :P

Don't forget to comment and vote~

* I think this guy deserves a shout out today; Chester Bennington.
Hopefully some of you will know why.

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