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School hated Livia.

That was her best guess, When she entered the school Monday morning. She thought she would know what to expect of the gossip filled school, But instead there was no one talking about the break up. Surprising as it was, Livia became paranoid, She felt uncomfortable and suddenly anxious in the hallways that she walked in for more than 3 years. Even with Jungkook by her side while she took her books out of her locker. She was still constantly looking across her shoulder to people walking by.

"Whats going on in your mind?... Liv?" Jungkook snapped his fingers in front of her face, She lifted her face to look at her best friend.

"Oh... um nothing. I was just a little distracted is all, Lets go to class kay?" She said obviously trying to change the subject. Jungkook wasn't buying it.

"No really." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into one of the empty sitting spaces. Sitting her down so that she was facing him. "Tell me whats going on? I wanna know." He said looking sternly into her eyes.

She really wasn't up for talking right now. Everything felt like it was watching her, with any of Namjoon's other friend's around the school. Her eyes were constantly watching every corner that her and Jungkook walked by.

She took a deep breath, trying to swallow the knot in her throat.

"I'm scared Jungkook." She whispered to him.

He looked at her with a confusing expession on his face, She slightly started to smile. His confused face was one of the cutest things that she's ever seen.

With his eyebrow's knitting together and his nose scrunching up. How this guy hadn't even had his first girlfriend yet, She didn't know.

"Why would you be scared? Its school. I already told you, Joonie and his 'other friends' won't be bothering you, I told them to lay off of picking on you." He said while putting his hands up to air quote the words 'other friends'.

"I know but like.... Its just feels like everyones watching me. But no ones talking about the break up, and ive never felt this uncomfortable in my own shoes in my life." She said bringing her arm to wrap around the other.

She felt alone, Sure she had friends in other classes to defend her when she needed them to, but right now she barely felt like she had Jungkook on her side.

Jungkook pulled her into a side hug, Her body suddenly easing a little from all the stress. His arm wrapped around her shoulder and she leaned into the crook of his neck.

She couldn't help but feel the small sensation of electricity jolting through his arm to her entire body. But she thought nothing of it.

"No one will be hurting you. Liv, i'm here for you ok?" He said squeezing her arm for reassurance. She drifted out of the hug to lean against the wall. She sighed.

"Thank you Jungkook... You are an awesome guy, really, all the others in this school are dickheads." she said smirking at her stupid joke.

"Well thank you for the honour of not being the dickhead, I appreicate it." He said smiling wildly.

The bell rang signalling then that they had to start making their way to their class, math, with a deep breath she rose from the sitting area. Walking in the direction of Jungkook and her's classroom. They didn't say much to eachother while walking. Mainly because she had her phone in her hands texting Taehyung.

Tae Tae: " Hey what class do you have first period? gym?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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