Chapter Seven

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You groaned, "I can't believe you did that." You covered your face with your two hands, getting embarrassed.

"Did what?" Jungkook asked.

You stomped, "That! I woke up and I saw you and Jimin shirtless." You turned bright red.

Jungkook smirked, "What? Didn't enjoy the view? I can take my bottoms off next time." He winked.

You turned even more red, "D-Don't!"

He laughed, "I was just kidding."

"T-Thank God.."

"Maybe," he smirked.

You quickly smacked his chest, "Shut up!"

"Hey, it was good that my hyung's didn't come with us. That would be too immature of them if they did." He laughed.

"Aww, they're so cute together." Hoseok smiled.

Jin and Namjoon hushed them, "We can't let them know were here."

You folded your arms, "Why are you even coming with me?"

"Why not? I can't just let you out on your own." He replied.

You ignored him.

He smirked, "You'll never know when you'll be raped." 

"You little–"

Jungkook laughed.

You sighed, "Who would even want to rape me in the first place."

He cleared his throat. You slowly turned your head towards him.

Jungkook smiled widely.

You started speeding up your walk, leaving the boy.

"Hey, wait up!" He started running after you.

"Never!" You yelled back, continuing to run.

Jungkook smiled, grabbing the back of your uniform.


He chuckled, "You were running away from a track and field player, what do you expect?"

You pouted, "I expected a lot from a player but from you? That doesn't exist."

"Man, you lie a lot."

"I do not."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8." Lee Sye counted.

They lifted you up, your feet were like noddles.

You gulped, still trying.

"C'mon, y/n. You can do it." Lee Sye looked at you.

You took deep breaths, finally doing it.

Lee Sye smiled widely, "We actually have a chance!" He jumped in excitement.

"Alright, everyone. One last time."

  Jungkook sat down, watching everyone rehearse.  

Everyone nodded, they all went on their formations.

His eyes slowly closed.

You ran towards your next formation.

As you were running you twisted your ankle, causing you to fall.

"Aish," you fell on the floor, swearing under your breath.

Everyone rushed around you, "y/n!" Everyone called your name.

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