Chapter Twenty One

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Few days later,

Jungkook and Junyung hanged out after school. Sports week was over, so they had no plans.

"Shouldn't you be with your.." he cleared his throat, "girlfriend?"

Jungkook sighed, "She's been avoiding me, but other girls stopped bothering me too, which is good."

"Soo, you're using y/n?"

"Of course not, I'm just helping her move on, that's all."

"By moving on, do you mean making her fall for you?" Junyung rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I never said that."

"I know, I just.."

Jungkook smirked, "Jealous?"

Junyung rolled his eyes, "Of course not. I just want y/n safe." He leaned against the wall, "Plus, I don't get how you haven't even dated her yet."

"We have in the past."

"Not hangout, idiot. I mean actual date."

Jungkook chuckled, "Come on, y/n and I, alone? Hanging out? Isn't that already dating?"

Junyung suddenly burst out of laughter, "Jeez, when people called you a playboy, I expected more."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He raised his eyebrows, folding his arms.

Junyung cleared his throat, "Like going to some fancy restaurant and actually wearing something date-worthy?"

"But were pretending."

"Listen, I don't know if you noticed, but I heard some students saying that you were faking and they said it was pretty obvious in the way y/n acted."

Jungkook gulped, "Uhh.."

"Come on, you can do better, Jeon."

"Since its Friday, I guess we can go out tomorrow."

Junyung sighed, "You're a mess." He walked away, leaving the boy. Jungkook quickly ran after the boy, "H-Hey! Don't just fucking leave me, asshole."

You laid down, reading a book in wattpad. Until, you accidentally dropped your phone on your face. You groaned in pain, grabbing your phone. It vibrated,

a text? from..


hey, Junyung told
me some shit about
some students thinking
our relationship is fake

You rolled your eyes, replying

it is fake and they
should know it is

come on, we need
to make it realistic
at least. meet me tomorrow
at the restaurant where 
my hyungs took you out
for lunch at 6:00 pm.



please? I'll be
waiting all night if
I have to, remember that.

fine, fine. like
I have a choice anyway


You get off your phone and rolled around your bed, groaning. Your phone vibrated again,

wear something
you'd wear on a 
date, by the way.

aka, something girly.

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