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Benjamina's Point of View:
~My sweat was cascading down my body, my heart was pounding as I ran, and ran, and ran. The creepy, ugly creature that was chasing, or rather flying after me was catching up really fast. My brain was bombarding with questions. My mixed emotions couldn't hold it anymore and I was on the verge of tears. I didn't know what to do anymore. I was five years old, too young to die. The surroundings didn't help at all. I was running for my life in a dark alley with no one to help me. My body was about to collapse when I ended up singing. I didn't know what made me do it but the words were just flowing out of my mouth. Soon, I couldn't help but notice that a golden barrier was starting to form in between me and the monster thing. The mythical creature with wings quickly flew away and retreated to where in the world it came from.~

I woke up with my head throbbing and sweat trickling down my face. Feeling frustrated because I had that dream again, the one that goes back to my childhood. My head was feeling heavy as I got out of bed groggily. Since that day when I was five, now that I'm twelve, no monster has attacked. But I have seen some following me and they backed away when they know that I see them.

In addition to that, I hear voices in my head of people, male and female, talking to me. One of the recent ones were, 'Good job' when I sang in music class. 'You will know soon enough' when I saw a monster shadow. And 'You're very pretty, child' when I was on my way to the Winter Ball. The voices sometimes creeped me out but also gave me guidance sometimes.

Get up sleepyhead,  today is the big day, said a male voice in my head. The voice was deep but playful and warm.

I know I can't trust voices in my head but I could sense that something very important would happen later today. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my mom shouted,

"Baba,  come down already!  Someone's here to see you!"

"Aww, mom! You know I hate that name! I'm coming!"

Before I went down, I first changed and brushed my teeth. I skipped down the stairs to see my furious mother.

"What took you so long?" Mom asked angrily.

"Chill mom, I just changed," I answered trying to soothe her nerves. Don't get me wrong, my mom is sweet and everything but she's short-tempered.

"Mina will always be Mina," my mom sighed.

I remembered what I came for and looked beside my mom. There was a man. He looked around seventeen, he had sandy hair and a bright and playful smile. He was what you could refer to as 'hot', but handsome will do. The room seemed to get warmer when he came in.

"Hi Benjamina, I'm Apollo." He greeted, that voice was familiar.

"Nice to meet you Apollo. You can call me Mina. Were you named after the wafer?" I asked with curiosity.

"No, it's the other way around. I'm original Apollo, the god," he chuckled.

He was a god? Like a greek god? I thought they were myths. But this is real Apollo, god of the sun, archery, music, poems, medicine and many more. But what did he want from me?

"Can we talk for a moment, Mina?"

"Yeah, sure."

I lead lord Apollo to my room so we could talk in private. I was about to open the door to my room when I forgot, Opppsss... I forgot to hide all my Taylor Swift and Maroon 5 posters.. I tried to change the path to my mother's room but it was too late. Apollo opened the door and laughed really hard.

"Hahaha!!! Maroon 5? Taylor Swift? Seriously? I'm glad that at least some of me are in you."

Huh?? What did he mean? I just shrugged it off. Talk first, ask later. I sat down on the bed and he sat down on my couch. They both had 'Keep calm and listen to music' covers.

"So what do I need to know?"

"Have you ever heard of greek gods and goddesses?"

"Yeah, like Aphrodite and Poseidon?"

"Yes. As I told you a while ago, they're real. Sometimes, they go down to the mortal world and have affairs with mortals and create a demigod. I, for one, admit that I count every demigod child I have, 67 children born to Apollo. The gods think you're a demigod because you give off a great scent and radiate stong power."

"So you mean that thing that attacked me? It was something that smelled me? What was that thing? And the song that protected me? It was you?

"That was a fury. Don't say the name," he noted. "Yes it smelled you, your smell is really strong. I gave you the blessing of the song so that the fury won't harm you. Actually, it's still protecting you. Look out the window."

I squinted so I could see better. It was true. There was a faint golden barrier, but it was fading.

"Yes, it's fading. It only lasts seven years, not your whole life. So I have to bring you to Camp Half-Blood. And we better leave. Now."

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