I'm going to kill him

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When Travis told me Ares did it, I was furious. My blood started to boil and I could see that Travis started getting scared of my rage. I mean, Conner was just a demigod for Zeus sake! Ares was one of my parents and he was about to face the fury of his daughter.

I rushed up from where I was and started pacing. What would I do with Ares? Hmm..

Got it!

"Travis excuse me," I excused myself.

"Why?" He asked.

"We've got some pranking to do," I smirked.

He laughed, "let's go then."

All in all I told Travis my plan to prank Ares until he gets what he deserves for injuring Conner. We were planning our pranks and suggesting some hooligans to each other. Some were pro pranks, and some were just plain funny.

Travis had a prank idea to fill Ares' throne with fake blood so he'll think that a girl sat on his throne and had a period.

Others were to give him mayonnaise-filled donuts, fill his palace with ballons, take cups of water and fill his palace with them and many more. Of course we were using all ideas.

Here's the list of pranks we were doing.

1. Period throne

2. Airhorn door wall protector

3. Upside down water

4. Palace technology upgrade

5. Mayonnaise donutso

6. Rat invasion

7. Seat airhorn

8. Selfie palace

9. Balloon horde

10. Water cups

11. Feather throne

12. Baking soda and Ketchup

13. Toothpaste Oreos

We split up to get the materials we needed for the pranking. I got number 1-6 and he got 7-13


Super duper duper late update I'm sorrrrrry

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