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she celebrated beauty and ran barefoot. her name was synonymous with summer. she breathed songs, stories, and laughter. her back told stories no books have ever had the spine to carry. she held marigolds in her mouth, and danced with her arms. she was mysterious, self expressive, plain nasty, and she never had a destination. she liked where she was for the most part. there were times where she wished she lived in a cotton candy land where love was her middle name. shes got street smarts. those streets might be dirt roads, but she knows what she is doing. she knows the rules of the games, u play her, and she will play right along. she is the designer of her own catastrophe. she told them to stay away, but oh fire is beautiful. she is fire that will burn you to ashes if you get too close. she will dance in your eyes, and burn the bridges before you even created them. she is art. wtf do you expect from her other than confusion, beauty, and a soul. she is a lion full of power who forgot how to roar. she is an eagle full of beauty who forgot how to soar. this girl is full of dreams, fantasies that will never happen. her heart has become a dusty piano in the basement of a church and she's played when no one is watching. she understands why they are called organs. she worries more about her smile than her breathe. she sprays perfume on that smells like glitter. she nods her head yes when she wants to say no, and she makes her heart say no when her brain says yes. her teardrops are her accessories, and it is her most disgusting jewelry. she is a mess of gorgeous chaos, you can see it in her eyes. her spirit has crushed mountains and tamed lions. she is music, but they have their ears cut off. since day one, she has been a wonder. oh open you eyes, don't ever forget that the most beautiful things cannot be seen by the naked eye. 

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