Chapter 9

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Nicky's POV

After the whole James thing, I kind of kept to myself until the party. 

We had an hour until people got here and Maya and mother refused to let me out of my room. I rolled my eyes and turned on my favorite song. Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off  by Panic! At The Disco. 

I didn't want to dress up so I just had on a plain black tee shirt and ripped blue jeans, with my leather jacket. 

I guess I'll just take a nap until they get everything done. 

I'm awoken when someone knocks on my door. "Come in!" I yell. Once I do, Maya, Piper, Travis, and Andrew come running in and jump on my bed. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NICKY!!" they all yelled at once. I shake my head and laugh at them. 

"Can I come out of my room now?" I whined. Maya nodded and I walked out the door to instantly smile. 

They put red and black balloons flying here and there. Skull streamers lined the ceilings. They had also trash bagged out the walls covering the windows. The must have dragged the the table out to the garage. They also put a couple of those colorful disco lights all over the ceiling to put color in the dark room. 

"Wow," is all I could get out. 

"Only the best for your eighteenth birthday," Piper smiled. 

"Ohh, come look at the backyard!" Andrew exclaimed. 

We walked to the backyard and I saw they cut the grass and put lights all over. 

"It looks so tumblr," I giggled, giving each of them a hug. 

"People should be getting here soon so we should get ready," Piper said, pointing to herself and Maya. 

"Okay, I'm wearing this." Piper rolled her eyes and walked to her room. 

"Oh, Nicky we got you a present." Travis smiled as he handed me a small bag. I smiled back. 

"Thanks guys! You didn't have to do that." 

They shrugged and in the small bag held six boxes of Hot Tamales. I smiled and thanked them. 

Soon, people piled into the house, dancing to the loud rock music that we were playing. 

Blake even showed up, surprisingly. 

I really needed this, you know, just to see my friends. We all had been dancing for maybe three hours- and may I add it was the best three hours ever. 

Ashia, Fabian, Piper, and I were dancing to Hips Don't Lie by Shakira when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw the one and only Kian Belmont. My eyes widened and I was having trouble breathing. 

"Why hello, beautiful," he smirked. 

I just continued to stare at him, unable to speak. His black hair was still messy but perfect. He was wearing a black tee shirt that showcased his tattoos. 

"Is that the leather jacket I got you?" he asked, still smirking. 

I straightened my jacket and narrowed my eyes. "Why are you here, Kian?" I growled. 

He fake frowned. "Aww, come on, no 'Oh hi handsome!'?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. Those days are over. What made you show up?" 

He grabbed my hands and pulled me in close. "I just wanted to tell you that I want you back." 

My face softened and my heart screamed at me to hug him just to feel really happy again. But my brain screamed at me to slap him. I yanked my hands away from him and glared at him. 

"Really? After all the shit you put me through? Kian, I just got happy again!" I yelled over the loud music. 

"Then let me make you happy again." He winked at me and started to pull me in again. 

"No. Never again. No one should have to deal with your stupid bad boy shit ever!" 

"Come on beautiful. You're the only one I need," he begged. I scoffed and stormed off to my room, passing Blake on the way there.

Blakes POV

Nicky stormed past me and she looked pissed. Usually I would have ignored her but I felt like I needed to go after her. 

I didn't knock, I just opend the door and walked in. She was laying face down on the bed, sounds of crying filled the room. 

"Whats wrong with you?" I asked, not really caring. 

She sat up and wiped her tears with her arm. "What do you want, Blake?" she asked, her hazel eyes were filled with tears. 

"I asked you what's wrong." 

She shook her head and covered her face. I sat next to her on the bed. "Someone who is- used to be important to me showed up," she muttered and twirled a strand of her hair. 

"Used? What did they do?" 

She took a deep breath and looked at me. "Do you really care?" She looked so weak and devastated. I nodded slightly and she started to talk. 

"Kian Belmont is my ex-boyfriend. He was the biggest bad boy at school and he asked me out. Of course I said yes and I was in love with him. I told him everything and I gave him everything..." She looked down and then pulled a box out a small shoe box from under her bed. She opened the box and handed me a picture. It was of a girl with brown pigtails and a light pink dress. Next to her stood a girl with blonde hair and braces. And next to her stood a girl shorter than all of them with short brown hair and a cat shirt. 

"Thats you?" I asked, pointing at the one in the dress. "Yep. Me, Maya and Piper." 

I couldn't help but laugh, I mean they were so nerdy and now they are hot. She rolled her eyes and continued to talk. 

"We dated for a while until he tossed me aside like an old candy wrapper. He had his fun and used me, then my love got boring and he left me all alone and heartbroken. Now I don't trust people anymore. But he showed up again." She sniffed and I don't know what happened in me but anger boiled deep inside of me. 

I stood up and rushed out the door. I saw Ashia and some guy yelling at each other. I walked past Ashia to see a smirking bastard.

"Are you Kian?" I asked angrily. 

He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, what's it to you?" 

I walked closer to the jackass. "You need to leave. Nicky didn't invite you here! You made her cry! Again!" I growled. 

"Are you the reason she wouldn't date me? Are you her new boyfriend?" he questioned. 

"W-what? No, I'm not her boyfriend!" I yelled. 

"Then why are you here, huh?" He smirked. 

"Listen asshole, leave now or you'll be sorry," I threatened. 

"I'll be back for Nicky," he muttered as he walked away and out the door. 

When the door closed, Nicky came running over to me and hugged me. "Thanks, Blake," she whispered as we hugged. 

I pulled away and shrugged. "It was nothing, I just don't like it when guys are assholes to girls. It's just not right."


Hey so I got a chapter out really early!! Yay me!! I kind of like this chapter. Just me? Yeah that's what I thought. Just so you know I'm probably going back to Nicky's POV. Well let me know what you think I should do! ~Peyton ❤️💞

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