Chapter 18

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I feel like getting drunk right now. I've only slept for an hour, and I still feel hurt.

I don't know where Maya hid the knives, so I'll find something else to do.

I sneak down the stairs to see Piper on the couch cuddling with Andrew. Both of them are sleeping, but I really want alcohol.

I walk into the kitchen to see what Maya's dad has hidden.

Ohhh vodka! Me likey. I grab the bottle and run back up the stairs. Sitting on my bed I start drinking. Damn this is sad, I'm drinking alone at age eighteen.
Well, shit.

I keep drinking even though it's really depressing. Rydel used to invite me over to drink with her, but she stopped drinking.

Still chugging the bottle, I lay down. Vodka is kind of gross actually, but it gets me drunk faster than any other drink. I already have a buzz, but I've barely even drank any.

After ten minutes, I decided I'm drunk enough and I should stop. Putting the bottle up, I stand next to my window hoping that Kian would show up.

Nah, he's probably doing some other chick. Oh,well.

I decide to text Jake to come over, but everything is blurry, I'm not sure I typed in the right name but I think I did.

Me: come over pls
Jake(?) : why?

Weird he used a question mark.

Me: why do you think
Jake(?) : sex? Really? Are you ok?
Me: yup
Jake(?) you don't seem ok. You are drunk aren't you? I won't take advantage of you.
Me: wtf are you ok I'm shocked a week ago you wanted to frick me
Jake(?): I did? I don't think so.
Me: whatever you lost your chance

I put my phone up.

Dammit Jake, when you want to do the dirty, I don't, but when it's my idea, you are too good for me. Fuck you.

Drunk sleep, is the best sleep. Well until you wake up, because then it sucks. I crawl under the covers and doze off.
Good,I'm not too hungover, thank the lord, Jesus.

I check my phone, was I really texting Jake? I look at the messages and throw my phone across the floor. I should probably go get that. 

I wasn't texting Jake.... I was texting Blake. Fuck my life. That's it, I'm just going to stay in my room, with my vodka, for the rest of my life. Yeah I'm not leaving my room, thank God, the school gives us two weeks of break before exams.
Four days later, I decided I really need food, I've eaten the food stash I have in my room, and already drank all my vodka and water.

I sneak down the stairs, and hear Maya whispering. She's tried to talk to me, but I yelled at her to leave me alone. She has always cared about me, but she messed up.

"I'm really worried about her. She won't come out of her room. I don't think she's eating!" She sounds like she's about to cry.

"Hey, it's ok." That voice. It's soft and angelic, very sweet. It's Tyler's voice. I breathe in deep, and keep listening.

"It's all my fault!" Maya cried. "No, it's my fault, I should have waited to ask you out." Maya softly cried. "No, it's my fault. I didn't think think that you had just broke up with her. I'm so stupid!"

I wanted to run and tell her I'm sorry, and she doesn't need to feel this way. But I stay put.

I hear Tyler whisper to her, then footsteps. "Nicky?" Tyler asked seeing me.

I nodded and kept walking down the stairs. I push past him, I'm not talking to him.

I hug Maya. "It's ok, bunny." I say quietly. "Really?" She asked. "Yes. Don't worry I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at him." I say pointing at Tyler.

Tyler breaths deep. "Nicky, I'm sorry." "Shush! I don't want to hear your excuses." I shout growing angry.

"I'm just going to get a Pop-tart, then I'm going upstairs, so you can continue doing, well, whatever couples do." I say, walking towards the pantry. I grab what I want and walk back up the stairs without another word.

Fuck him. He's trying to apologize, when he knows damn well what he did.

I hear a knock on my door. Let's see who this is. I open the door and see the tall dark haired boy, named Blake. Shit.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" I asked.

He chuckles. "Why were you drunk texting me?"  Goddammit. "Uhhhhhhh. I was drunk?"

He cracks up. "Well, duh. But you didn't mean to text me."

I shook my head in shame. "Sorry."

He lifted my head up. "If you weren't drunk...... I would have came over." My eyes go wide. Is he messing with me?

"What?" I asked, still stunned. "Calm down, I was joking." My heart calms down, but a bit of me feels disappointed.

"I just wanted to know why you texted me at three am."

I smile. "Why were you awake?"I asked.

"Same as you." I look up at his light green eyes. "What?" He chuckles again. "I was drinking my feelings away." He answered.

"You can feel?" I asked dramatically.

"Yes. It was the first time I drank because of a chick." It definitely wasn't my first time drinking because of a guy.

"What girl?" I asked.

"The most gorgeous girl I've ever seen." He replies.

"Who? What does she look like?"

"She has colored hair, brown eyes, she's sweet, and talented. Just overall beautiful."

"Do I know her?" I asked.

"Yeah you do. You are actually really close with her."
I smile and start thinking. "Oh my God!" I yell. I know who he is in love with! "Is it Rydel ?!" I asked.

He looks taken back. "Uh."

"It is!! I'm sorry she has a boyfriend."

He shakes his head. "I should leave." He walks out the door, without saying goodbye. Rude. Oh well, he's just upset because she has a boyfriend. Poor guy. I opened my pop tart and start reading a book Piper bought for me a few years back. Might as well read, I have nothing better to do.
Ok I lied. I had to write. But I love this chapter so much. Was Blake really talking about Rydel?Sure sounds like it. Well I'm not telling. So HA! I love you guys!

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