Chapter Three

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Mark had only decided to get up to fetch a glass of water, considering sometimes that can help him relax before he goes to bed. And he needs it, with work and now his broken phone the weight of the stress is just crushing him. But nothing could have even prepared him for what he found when he turned the lights on.

First, he had only seen the cupboard that was cracked open more than it should be which immediately made his mind snap to his mouse theory. Scanning the floor, a soft gasp escaped his lips when he spotted what looked to be a tiny figure in the middle of his floor, it's back facing him.

Arching an eyebrow, he hesitantly began to make his way across his floor to it. As he got closer, he could see the figure visibly shaking, and was able to make out long hair and very feminine curves. Whatever is was, it certainly wasn't a mouse. Doesn't mean it wasn't vermin, though.

Ellie could feel the floor shaking. The human had begun his way over to her! Shutting her eyes tightly, she began to tremble violently. Please, please just leave me alone. She pleaded in her mind. It was when she was suddenly lifted into the air, her arms restrained to her sides and she froze, eyes wide in fear. Survival mode kicked in and she tried to thrash about, finding herself unable to. 

Mark tilted his head to the side as he observed this tiny being and her wide eyes. A small amused smile crossed his face as he could feel her trying to struggle in his hand. "My. Quite the fighter aren't you?" He teased as he tightened his grasp on her, just enough to make her stop trying to get away.

Ellie flinched at the volume of his voice, staring into his giant eyes. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she thought about what to say. Opening her mouth to speak, her voice didn't come out as no other than a squeak of fear. She cursed herself mentally, not wanting to seem as terrified as she was. 

Chuckling, Mark smirked down at her. "Oh dear. You don't look like a mouse but perhaps they have evolved." He teased again, arching an eyebrow. Why did she seem so scared? He wasn't that scary. "Now. Why were you in my house? And what is this?" He plucked what looked to be a toothpick and a tiny water bottle out of her hands easily.

Once her toothpick and pouch were taken, tears brimmed in Ellie's eyes. Once again, she opened her mouth and was able to get out a few quiet words. "I-I needed s-some tape. A-And I-I live here." A frightened sob escaped her lips as she tried to struggle again. "P-Please let m-me go!" She pleaded with the human, horrified of the amused look in his giant eyes.

"But you're a thief. Theif's need to punished. Plus, you opened my cereal and completely ruined it. I'll assume your kind don't know the value of money if you think you can steal from me and simply get away with it. What else have you taken without my knowledge?" Mark demanded as he narrowed his eyes at the tiny girl, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

The word 'punished' only made her tremble in fear even more, but once again she mustered enough courage to speak a couple sentences. "C-Cotton balls, t-toothpicks, paper, f-food, tape, s-string, cloth, l-leather. P-Please, I-I won't do it ever again! D-Don't hurt me!" She cried out as she hung her head to avoid seeing the look on his face. It was then she couldn't fight it anymore and she began sobbing in fear, tears streaming down her face and dripping onto his giant hand.

Sure, they were minor things, but Mark still wasn't going to let her get away with it. "Hmph." He scoffed lightly as he held her in a fist, opening a few cupboards before pulling a jar out of one and looked at her. "It's late at the moment. I need to get some sleep so you can stay in here until morning. Then I'll decide what to do with you." Not bothering to be careful, he dropped her down into the glass jar and screwed the lid on with a smirk. "There. Comfy?" 

Giving a small yelp as she felt herself plummet then hit a hard surface, Ellie looked around frantically as she realized what he did. Rising to her feet, she pounded on the glass of her temporary prison. "L-Let me out!" She pleaded as she looked up at the human in fear, the world moving around her and she looked down and screamed quietly to see the floor through the bottom of the jar miles below her. She just sat on the floor of the glass prison, wrapping her arms around her knees as she continued to cry, her face hidden in her knees.

Ignoring her muffled plea, he continued on his way upstairs to his bedroom, now and then glancing at the crying figure inside the jar. "Oh, stop your crying." He mumbled in an annoyed tone. I haven't hurt you, yet." He smiled slyly. She was positively terrified! He could say anything and she'd believe it. 

Placing the jar on his bedside table, he used a book and placed it on top of the jar so she couldn't push it off the side. He wouldn't know why she'd even try, though. Most likely it would only cause her to plummet to her death, and the fall didn't kill her the shattered glass most likely would. 

Now he took the time to look her over. She was thin, but now because of starvation. Her arms had a bit of muscle, and she was obviously fit. Probably from having to survive at this size. Although Mark was unamused that she wouldn't look at him, he just ignored it and climbed into bed. "Sleep well." He said with another chuckle as he closed his eyes.

Ellie sat in the jar, her whole body shaking in fear. She had to be in this jar all night and had a horrible feeling that he was going to most likely kill her. Laying on her side, the glass was rather uncomfortable but she's had worse.  

After laying there for what seemed like hours, she knew the human had already fallen asleep and eventually, sometime after closing her eyes she drifted off into a light, fear filled sleep.

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