Chapter Nine

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Ellie's eyes slowly fluttered open, surprised to be laying on a pillow instead of the nightstand. Did she move in the middle of the night and just forgot? Looking around, she saw Mark lying peacefully beside her. What would he do if he caught her on his bed? Her blue eyes widened in fear at the though and she shot to her feet as she hurriedly looked for a way to get down to the floor.

A movement made her freeze and she let out a small whimper as a shadow fell over her now shaking form. She didn't dare look up or behind her, scared of what look she'll be finding on the human's face. Just as she was about to sink to her knees, giant fingers curled around her and lifted her off the safety of the ground, her eyes shining as a small frightened sob escaped her lips.

Mark awoke in the morning, not expecting to see Ellie up and certainly not expecting her to look as panic stricken as she did. His mind flashed to his nightmare and he sat up straight in his bed, reaching out and gently picked up the tiny woman with a frown. His chest tightened as he could feel her trembling, and very faintly heard her quiet sob. "Ellie?" He murmured softly as he placed her on his open palm. "What's the matter?" Trying to speak gently, he didn't want to scare her anymore. He didn't want to yell at her anymore.

Ellie flinched when she heard him speak, but the fear turned into confusion when he actually sounded like he cared. Slowly she opened her eyes and turned her blue orbs up to meet his chocolate brown ones. "W-What?" She mumbled timidly, trying not to let her guard down too much.

"I asked what's wrong," Mark replied softly as he tried not to get annoyed at her as easily. Of course, he had a slight temper issue, but he also had to admit he didn't like seeing her this afraid. Especially now that he knew what that fear was like.

Still confused, Ellie relaxed a tiny bit in his palm as she wrapped her arms around herself. "I-I thought that y-you would be angry that I-I was on your bed." She sniffled quietly as she wiped her eyes. "Y-You're quite frightening when you're angry."

"Why would I be angry if I was the one who put you there? Ellie, I had a dream last night and let us just say it opened my eyes to how cruel I've been to you. And...I'm sorry." Mark apologized as he took a finger, placing it under her chin and raised her head so she is looking at him.

Her heart beat in her chest as she looked into his chocolate brown eyes. He...apologized? "D-Do you mean it?" She murmured as she pushed his finger away as she tried not to smile.  "R-Really and truly? I-I don't want it to be a trick."

"No tricks. I'm being honest. I'm truly sorry Ellie. I was very cruel, and I really didn't realize how bad I was hurting and scaring you. You have no idea how hard it is for me to admit this." Putting his free hand on his head, he was surprised to hear a small, rather adorable giggle.

Ellie wound up not only smiling but giggling! She hasn't done that in quite a long time really. At least it feels like a long time to her. "Then, I forgive you, Mr. Edwards." Looking up at the human, she gave him another smile. 

With a relieved smile, Mark cupped her to his chest. "Thank you. Now, let's go downstairs and make breakfast. What would you like? Pancakes again? Waffles? What?" Carefully standing up and making sure not to drop her, he looked down at Ellie before heading to the kitchen, feet lightly padding on the floor even though each step vibrated Ellie.

With each vibration, Ellie leaned into his chest before sitting back up and looked up at him. "Uhm, actually, can we just have cereal? I like cereal." A small giggle escaped her lips and she clamped her hand over her mouth, cursing herself mentally.

"You mean the cereal that I thought a rodent got into and threw away? Sure! I just have to dig it out of the trashcan." He rolled his eyes, placing her down on the kitchen counter. 

"Oh, right. I'm sorry about that by the way, but I needed food." Looking down, Ellie rubbed her arm nervously as she wandered around the counter curiously. To her left was the sink, and to her right was the stove. Slowly she began to wander to the sink, tilting her head to the side.

Mark's back was turned as he dug through a cupboard smiling. "It's quite alright. I guess I just overreacted, it's just a box of cereal." Standing back up he stretched his arms out as he tried to crack his back.

Ellie simply nodded, standing at the edge of the sink and looking down the metal basin. It was quite deep, and she better back away just in case. Turning around, she took a step back only to slip in a small puddle of water, tumbling down into the sink.

She yelped and tried to grip onto the metal, the walls too smooth as she wound up falling down into the drain.

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