Chapter Sixteen

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((This chapter is dedicated to xTinyGayx for actually reading a certain thing.))

"I-I don't know about this Mark. I-I was okay with it befoe, but now I'm really uncertain. What if your fans hate your work after they find out what I am? What if you're never hired again?!" Ellie shouted, panicked as everything that could go wrong tonight ran through her head. Tugging at her blue skirt, she smiled a bit even though she was worried because the dress Rose made her for tonight is gorgeous. A knee length blue to match her eyes with a white belt and white flat shoes. Them turning her eyes up to Mark she caught his eyes scanning her before his head snapped away, a light blush on his face.

"Everything will be fine Ellie," Mark assured her as he fixed his tie to the nice suit he was wearing. "This is going to be live. And I hope you know whatever happens to my career, as long as we're friends I don't care. I should be honored to have you as a model. You were my little guardian angel that came to my rescue in my time of need."

Turning his chocolate brown eyes down to her, he reached his hand down and left it beside her. "Now climb on thief." He teased quietly, a small smile perched on his lips.

With a quiet giggle, Ellie sat on the edge of his palm and smoothed her dress down as she watched the world blur around her when Mark started moving. "Thank you, Mark, I'm glad to have you as a friend as well."

With a quite yelp she was dropped down into the inside pocket of his suit shirt and with a small pout, resituated herself. "Don't wrinkle my dress or I'll be sure to kick your butt!" She called out to the human with her arms folded over her chest, leaning into his own chest to listen to his thundering heartbeat.

"I'd like to see you try," Mark said with a chuckle as he left his home and got into his car, looking at his phone before tucking it into the side of the seat. "When we get there, you're going to stay in my pocket until it's time for us on stage, okay? I don't need anyone seeing you and trying to kidnap you because you're an easy target model now."

"I know Mark. That's why I'm glad to have you as my 'manager'. You know what's best for me." She giggled, playfully punching his chest. "Just do what you feel is right okay? I trust you."

At her words, Mark's heart beat steadily faster as he tried to stop it because he knew that she'd be able to feel it. Rubbing the back of his neck, he could feel a little blush on his face again. What is wrong with me?! He hissed to himself, closing his eyes before looking back to the road.

After driving for at least two hours, he arrived right outside the DFN T.V. station and looked up at the building. He had been here before, but never on the actual stage with the model, but this time he has to be with the model. "Alright, Ellie." He whispered as he stepped out of his car. "It won't be much longer." When Mark didn't get a response, he opened his pocket and his eyes softened at the small figure inside.

Ellie was curled against his chest, her own chest rising and falling slowly as she slept. She had fallen asleep on the ride there, and with a smile, Mark went inside and was immediately greeted by Mr. H.R. Fredricks, the host.

"Hiya Mark!" The slightly stout man exclaimed as he grabbed his hand, shaking it rather roughly. "Nice to see you again, are you good? Good!" He turned and waddled off with a bright smile.

Mark could only chuckle at the man's ecstatic reaction, and he followed Mr. Fredricks to the back room behind the stage where he would normally wait for the model. "Say, Mark, when will Miss Miller be joining me anyway? Normally the models are here before you!"

"She'll be here, don't worry. But she asked me to chat with you for a few minutes before she got here, she's rather camera shy and wants to see how you act before actually coming out and being on camera." Mark lied smoothly with a smile.

"Ah, okay, okay!" The man smiled at Mark and gave his hand another firm handshake before leaving the room and closed the door behind him, Mark then gently pulling Ellie out of his pocket who was busy rubbing her eyes and fixing her hair.

"He's loud." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around Mark's fingers with a quiet yawn before her eyes widened and she immediately let go, scooting away. "I-I'm sorry!" She all but shouted with a blush.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine. We have about 15 minutes before we go on, and I think you'll be in my pocket before we are actually on the stage, alright?" He hummed, running a finger gently over her head which made her blush even more.

"A-Alright." She whispered, looking down to avoid looking into his face until the blush faded away. Smoothing her dress down, she yelped when darkness encased her and she knew that Mark had grabbed her in a closed fist when she heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Mr. Edwards, Mr. Fredricks wants you on now. He says he can't wait anymore to meet this new model." The young man said quietly before leaving the room quickly.

Rolling his eyes, Mark gently placed Ellie back into his suit pocket and sighed quietly. "Alright Ellie, just give me a moment now. Just be patient." He whispered, rising to his feet as he left the room, slowly, almost hesitantly stepping onto the stage in front of the camera.

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