Chapter Eighteen

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Mark stared at his hands, sitting in the back of an ambulance as other paramedics checked out people who inhaled more smoke and received burns. Had the circumstances be different, he'd be running around and making sure people were okay. But instead he's sitting here, tears streaming down his face as he ran the entire scene over and over again in his head. Hearing her voice, hearing that scream, then silence. 

"Mark?" A voice snaps him out of his daze and he turned his head to look at Rosemary, who was looking at him with tears in her own eyes. "I-I'm upset too. But they're looking for how the fire started. They're thinking someone started the fire. I suppose that is the best answer really." Lowering her head, she took a seat down next to him with a frown.

"R-Rosemary you aren't getting it! No matter how the fire started, no matter who else got hurt, Ellie died and it's all my fault!" He spat at his assistant, frowning before looking back down at the ground. "Sh-She was literally right there...had I been thinking I'd have jumped through those flames to grab her..."

"And then you and her both would be dead right now! And how do you think I feel? She was a very good friend of mine, she was one to weave her way into hearts. And that's what she did! Mark, it wasn't your fault, it was the one who started the fire." She hugged him tightly, closing her eyes as tears continued to run down her own face when a man shouting could be heard.

Mark's head snapped up and he looked around to see two police officers with a man handcuffed, his arms behind his back. This man was laughing, laughing. Rising to his feet, he ran over and looked at the officers. "What's going on? What happened?" He frowned. 

One o the officers were about to shove him back when they saw who he was and frowned. "Mr. Edwards, we're terribly sorry that Miss Miller died in all that. This man was over there bragging about how he started all this." He frowned deeper, looking at the man who was still busy laughing, right in Mark's face.

Mark stared at him, his blood beginning to boil and he snapped. He tackled the man right to the ground, continuously slamming his fist into his jaw, eyes narrowed angrily. "H-How could you do that to her?!" He shouted as he landed another punch before a couple officers pulled him off. "How can you just kill someone who couldn't defend themselves and laugh?!"

One of the officers stood in front of Mark, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We will let you off with a warning, considering the circumstances. We're sorry about your girlfriend." He then turned and walked away as they stuffed the fire starter into the back of the police car.

"She's not my girlfriend.." He mumbled, blushing a bit. Mark's ears were ringing before he looked back to the building, the fire out easier than he would have thought. Immediately he ran over and began to scan the ash, not caring if he got arrested. He dug through the hot ash, hoping for maybe a sign, anything that could tell him Ellie was alive.

"Sir, please. You need to go home and just try and relax." An officer grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "If you don't I might have to escort you inside a police car, alright?" He narrowed his eyes warningly before turning away.

Frowning, Mark ran off to his car, getting in and drove off as silent tears still ran down his face. He drove home as fast as the speed limit would allow. He didn't know what to do as he drove the two hours home, but once he had and gotten inside, he collapsed onto his wooden floor, breaking down into sobs.

Ellie's head was pounding, and she was in so much pain. She felt pressure all around her and opened her eyes slowly, coughing and her eyes widened to find a large wooden beam stretched over her body, ash covering her face, arms, and hair. Survival mode kicked in as she struggled to get out, coughing quietly and fighting for her life. 

She pulled her arms out o the ash and continued coughing, using them to drag herself out from under the beam. Looking around, there were no cars. There was no noise either. How long had she been out?

Pushing herself to her feet, a sharp pain in her ankle made her cry out and look down, horrified at the site of the bone-piercing her skin, blood running down her ash covered legs. Looking away from the broken bone, she teared up and looked around. Luckily she had quite a good sense of direction and knew she had to get home to Mark. 

With tears in her eyes, she took as large a step with her good leg as she could, dragging the wounded one across the debris. Two hours to get home driving...would be at least several days for her to get home walking. Possibly more with her foot like this. And she had to get it taken care of as soon as possible too, otherwise, it could get infected. 

Keeping her head straight, she continued to walk the best she could when a voice made her freeze and look around. It was then she spotted Rosemary walking to her car on her phone. "R-Rose!" She shouted, her voice hoarse and crackly as she tried to get to the human before she drove off.

It was obvious she didn't hear her as she stepped into her car. Ellie frantically tried to get there as fast as she could, but before she could even shout again the car door slammed shut and the giant metal monster drove away. 

With tears in her eyes, Ellie did her best to watch what direction the car went in and began the long trek in that direction in hopes of getting home even with her busted ankle. Getting to Mark. 

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