Chapter Ten

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Ellie landed on the part of the drain that allows water to pass through tiny holes, and food to get stuck for the garbage disposal. She stared at the blades, thankful they weren't on. Since there were only two, she can avoid them easily. Her arm hurt badly, and she stared up out the drain into the light above. "M-Mark?!" She shouted, her voice echoing and she hoped the human could hear her. If not, what was she supposed to do?

Mark paused as he heard the tiny woman call his name and turned back to where he left with a smile, only to have the smile disappear when he didn't see her. "Ellie?" He called her name gently as his eyes scanned the counter.

Hearing her own name, Ellie's eyes widened. "M-Mark! The drain!" She practically screamed. He could hear her!

Mark's own eyes widened and he ran over to the sink, looking down the drain to try and spot her. "Ellie? Are you hurt at all? Hang out I'll get you out!" With a slight bit of panic, he began to dig through drawers to try and find something he could get her out with. "Just hold on!" He mumbled as he continued his search.

A relieved smile fell onto Ellie's face when she saw the massive face looking into the drain, then heard him tell her he would get her out. "H-Hurry!" She looked around a bit then to her clothes, pulling a bit of eggshell of her shirt. "Gross." She mumbled, her eyes wandering back to the blades near her. She could imagine them beginning to spin and cutting her up, blood spattered everywhere. 

Something lightly touched her arm, snapping her out of her daze and she gave a small scream before seeing it was a ribbon. "Ellie? Are you okay? If so grab on." Mark's voice boomed overhead. 

Mark had found a ribbon in one of the drawers that he just stuffed random stuff in and he turned back to the drain, lowering the ribbon down into it. He heard a scream and his heart jump, hoping she hadn't possibly fallen further down. "Ellie? Are you okay? If so grab on." He ordered her softly with a frown. It was only a moment after when he felt a tug and began to pull the ribbon up, relieved when he saw Ellie holding onto it for dear life, her eyes shut tight. 

Ellie gripped onto the ribbon, her blue eyes glued shut as her muscles ached still from yesterday. Suddenly she felt another surface beneath her and warmth surrounding her, and opening her eyes she saw that Mark had her pressed into his chest with her in his open palm. She let go of the ribbon and grabbed handfuls of his shirt, doing her best to hug him. "Th-Thank you." She stuttered, trembling. "I-I think I'm making it more frightening than it was."

"Ellie, after that dream I had I don't want to doubt it was scary." Mark murmured as he used a finger to rub her back in an attempt to comfort her, though he felt a bit weird about it. "How did you even fall into the sink anyway?" He mumbled and looked down at her, and he could tell she immediately was embarrassed. 

Ellie looked down a light blush on her face at how stupid she felt. "I uhm...well...I slipped on a puddle of water." She spoke quickly, hoping he didn't understand but when his chest started shaking and she looked to his face, he started laughing. 

"Y-You slipped?!" His laugh boomed around her. He wouldn't be laughing had she gotten hurt, but since she was safe now he was allowing himself to. He expected her to get mad, but instead, he heard a feminine laugh instead and looked down to see her laughing as well.

This went on for a couple minutes, the two laughing at her little mistake and as Mark calmed down, he set her down away from the sink and stove this time. "A-Alright I'm going to make breakfast then. And by the way, when we go into my studio tomorrow, Rosemary will be meeting us. She's my assistant. Don't worry though, she'll most likely fawn over how small and adorable you are." He didn't get a chance to stop himself and his eyes widened at his own words.

Ellie felt heat rising in her face as he finished his sentence, and she looked up at him. "Y-You think I'm...adorable?" She spoke quietly, the fact he didn't look at her or say anything giving her an answer. Her face continued to heat up and she buried her face in her hands.

Mark heard his phone go off and he pulled it out of his pajama pockets as he tried to ignore the blush on his own face as he looked at the number and answered. "Rosemary? Is everything okay?" He asked with a small frown, glancing back to Ellie who he could tell was blushing as well.

"Mark? Yes everything is wrong. I got an email from your boss, he moved the deadline up! It's in a week! How are we supposed to do that?!" She sounded so panicked from the other line and her voice was cracking.

"He what?! You know what, no. Just calm down, I'll come in today with Ellie. Don't worry about a thing we'll get it done as soon as we can." Mark just hung up and looked back to Ellie with a frown. "We need to go in today. Instead of two weeks I only have one week and this takes a while. We sadly have to skip breakfast, but we can grab lunch there. I have to get dressed." 

His hand shot out, gently snatching Ellie up and hurriedly went back upstairs to his bedroom. He was angry yes, but didn't need to take it out on her, or Rosemary. He'd just have to relax.

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