Chapter Fifteen

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Ellie could feel his breath against her face, and she was very uncomfortable at how close they were. And Bradley's hands were wandering around her waist which was even worse! She only prayed this would end soon and she could get away from him. And then, as if by magic a voice interrupted the 'romantic' moment.

"Alright, we're done," Mark mumbled as he pulled the camera away from his face and looked down at the two. He could see clearly how much Bradley was enjoying it, and how uncomfortable Ellie was. "Now, let's get my stuff packed up so we can head on home alright?" He forced a smile. He really didn't like taking those pictures, but most likely they will be a major hit with the ever growing audience for his new portfolio.

As soon as the words were out of the human's mouth, Ellie was away from Bradley and as close to Mark as she could be as she desperately tried to cover herself more as the dress was quite revealing. "Thank you, Mark." She said calmly as she kept her head down to avoid Bradley's wandering eyes.

"Oh no." Mark sighed as he dug through his camera bag. "I'll be right back, I need to fetch something from my main office." Setting the camera down, he took off out of the room like a shot, leaving Ellie and Bradley alone without even thinking. He was only wanting to get home for the day and get the pictures online.

As soon as he was gone, Bradley pounced and grabbed Ellie, snaking his arm around her waist and one over mouth with a smirk. "Don't scream, it'll only make it worse." He whispered lecherously into her ear. He then dragged her behind the vase, pinning her to the table with his hand still cupped over her mouth. 

Ellie's eyes were wide as she struggled against him, fighting as if her life depended on it. But he was too strong. She was pinned with her back to the table, unable to get his hand off her mouth as he slipped one of the dress straps off her shoulders. Tears filled her eyes as she shut them, but then when he weight was suddenly lifted off of her and she heard a small cry of panic, she opened her eyes to see Mark towering over her, Bradley tight in his fist.

"I don't know what you were just doing," He hissed angrily at the tiny man. "But I don't think I like it! How dare you lay a hand on her like that!" His grip tightened around him, causing Bradley to groan in pain before chuckling. 

"Y-You're going to scare her." He spat bitterly at him, turning his head to look at Ellie only to see her standing close to Mark, holding onto the sleeve of his arm resting on the table. His eyes widened at the realization that she wasn't going to save him. Fear began to kick in as he started to struggle.

"What's the matter?" Mark asked with another smirk, narrowing his eyes. "Not so tough because you know that she doesn't like you? It's my job to protect her, to keep things like you away from her." He glared angrily as he could feel Bradley fight against him even more.

"N-No, please let me go!" He shouted, shaking his head. "I-I'm sorry, I-I wasn't going to do anything I was only scaring her! I-it was a joke I swear!" His voice rang in pure terror, Mark's eyes only softening for a moment as it reminded him of how harsh he was with Ellie before dropping Bradley onto the hard surface of the table. 

Before Bradley got to his feet, Ellie found herself off the table and pressed into the soft fabric of Mark's shirt. She still had frightened tears going down her face and didn't want Mark to think it was his fault because it truly wasn't. Sure, that was a little scary but he was protecting her, and that's okay. Slowly, she turned her eyes to Bradley with a scowl.

The tiny man scrambled to is feet, staring in fear up at Mark. "P-Please let me go." He stuttered out, backing away from the human. 

"I know what you did wasn't a joke. And I better never hear you ever dong something like this again. If I do, I will personally hunt you down and make sure some animal has you as a meal." He narrowed his eyes, the brown almost looking black in the dim light.

Immediately, Bradley climbed off the table as fast as he could, even though it took a while at even that. Mark and Ellie watched him run until he disappeared from sight somewhere in the building, and Ellie then broke down, clinging onto Mark's shirt as tight as possible.

"Ellie...shh..." Mark hushed in a soft voice, using a finger to stroke her hair as gentle as he could be. "You're alright now. Let's just get our stuff and head home." He smiled softly before placing her delicate little frame into his front shirt pocket again, as they did on the ride here.

After what seemed like forever of listening to his heartbeat, Ellie yelped when she was pulled from her thoughts by a hand wrapping around her and lifting her from the pocket and up to eye level with Mark. Relaxing in his gentle grasp, she smiled brightly at him. "Hi. If you don't mind, can I please go change into my old clothes? I only have this, that green dress and my shirt and pants." 

"Oh, of course." He chuckled lightly. "I'll also request that Rosemary makes you some jeans and shirts, as well as clothes for going out in." With a light hum, he placed the tiny woman onto his office desk, pulling her clothes out from the drawer in the front of it and handed them to her before watching her scurry around behind his laptop screen, out of sight.

Mark waited for a while before hesitantly peeking around the screen to see her sleep with the red dress as a blanket, though she was wearing her pants and shirt. A smile tugged at his lips before he began to download the photos into the computer for editing.

It had only been an hour of editing the brightness and a few blurry places before posting them to his online portfolio and within minutes began receiving feedback. 

'OMG, they're so cute together!'

'Who's the man? An extra? Can they do more together, this is amazing!'

Mark chuckled as most responses came to be about if Bradley could be in another shoot, but when he received a private message, he opened it and was shocked to what he found.

'Mark Edwards,' The email began, 'Normally we don't offer this to new models so early on in their first gig, but your particular model, Ellie Miller has taken this nation by storm. Even some in other countries are seeing this unique photo style! That is why we here at DFN T.V. would like to call you and her in for an interview, this Saturday at noon! Please respond as soon as you can to let us know! 

Sincerely, Your Friends at the DFN.

Mark's eyes widened as his small smile turned into a wide grin. Moving his screen down, he looked at Ellie's sleeping form and nudged her with a finger. "Pst. Hey. Wake up. We have an interview to discuss."



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