Where It All Began

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**very long + the beginning of this story is fast pace  and it sucks but i promise it gets better**


"Mama! Mama! Look! I made a flower crown for you!" Lucy ran over to her mothers bed and jumped on top

"Thats very lovely darling, thank you" Layla replied taking the flower crown from Lucys hand and places it on her head

"You look great mama!" Lucy exclaimed hugging her mother

Layla smiled "yes yes, now Lucy it's getting rather late please go to be-"before she could finish her sentence Layla started to cough up blood


"Please Lucy go to bed" Layla panicked not knowing if what was currently happening to her was contagious.

Lucys father walked in after hearing the horrible cough, Layla asked him to take Lucy to her room and so he did.


Lucy could hear the horrible coughing sounds all the way from her room, but this time she could hear two people coughing, she was concerned.

Lucy jumped off her bed and toddled towards her mother and fathers bedroom she opened the door to reveal her mother vomiting blood and her father coughing up blood whilst trying to comfort her mother

"M-mama, p-papa?' Lucy squeaked from the door "w-w-what happened?"

"Lucy! Leave, please i don't know if i have given you whatever this is yet so please leave and find someone to help you" Lucys mother pleaded in between vomiting, "leave before you catch this too" she cried, Lucys father sat there silently

"What about y-you" Lucy cried

"Dont worry about us, im sure we will see eachother again one day. The best thing right now would be for you to run, go to the nearest town and seek help" her father spoke in a raspy voice

Layla lent over to her cup of water and pulled something out of her bed side table, a shiny key and without hesitation she put it in the water and said

"Open gate of the water bearer, Aquarius"

The key shone brightly and Aquarius appeared with a look of horror on her face

"G-get Lucy out plea-" Layla collapsed in bed before finishing her sentence



Aquarius pulled a tear soaked child through the forest as her masters last wish.

Aquarius started to glow gold Lucy looked up at her and said

"Is it bye bye time?"

"Yes, you should be okay if you can find somewhere to sleep for the night and call me with my key tomor-" and with a gold flash Aquarius was gone, leaving a two year old child all by herself in the middle of a forest.


Lucys faint sobs rang throughout the forest as she wondered around looking for somewhere to rest as Aquarius said.

Lucy eventually stumbled across a cave, as she stepped in, glow worms lit up around her


Lucy stared in awe at the cave that surrounded her when she was snapped out of her daydreaming by bumping into a large squishy object of some sort

"Why is there a human child in my cave?"

Lucy slowly turned her head up to reveal the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.

"I-im lost" Lucy said starting up
"May i-i as-ask what you are?" Lucy questioned

"Im the Celestial dragon" she said with a loud boom

"D-dragon? Shouldn't you be eating me then?" Lucy asked whilst pointing to herself

"Don't be silly, humans do not taste very good." She looked utterly disgusted

"But that does not matter, human. Where are your parents?" The Celestial dragon boomed

Lucy teared up "m-mama died a-and pa-pa-"

"Stop." She looked at Lucy with pity "you may sleep here for tonight." The dragon stated

"R-really? Okay!" Lucy ran over to a near rock and sat down "whats your name?"

"Celesta" She spoke

"Woah, thats a pretty name! Hehe it really matches the whole Celestial thing" Lucy giggled "my names Lucy!"

"Well then, its very nice to meet you Lucy" Celesta leant down and put out her finger to shake the small childs hand, lucy grabbed her finger with both hands and shook it.


Celesta's POV

Lucy.... i sense something strange. She seems familiar but I can't quite pinpoint why.

Morning came and the child jumped up as if she was on a alarm

"Lucy are you okay?" I questioned the small child infront of me, she had rather large eyes as if she had just awoken from a nightmare

"Yes. No. Yes. I think so?" Lucy questioned herself then looked like she remembered something

"Ah! Aquarius!" She exclaimed before pulling a golden key out of her pocket

A Celestial key? Is that why she seemed familiar? No. It cant be...

"Child wait. What is your whole name?" I questioned eagerly

"Huh? Why?" She looked confused

"Just tell me"

"Lucy Heartfilia" hearing that last name made my eyes open in surprise and excitement

"Heartfilia.... are you related to Anna Heartfilia?!" I asked quickly

"Hmmm maybe? I think Ive heard mama say that name before.." Lucy stated I only stared at her, she does look alot like her.

"Why? Is she your friend?" Lucy asked still holding the water bearers key in her hand.

I smiled "yes. She was my friend"

"Oh! Maybe we could be friends then?!" Lucy said with stars in her eyes.

I kept smiling "maybe we could"

"Oh, right. I have to call her now otherwise she will yell at me for being late" Lucy said looking down at the golden key

"Go ahead"

"Open gate of the water bearer, Aquarius!" Lucy chanted as the key shined brightly, wow. I haven't seen this in quite a while

Aquarius came out and the first this she said was

"It took you long enoug- what are you doing with the Celestial dragon?!?" She gaped looking up

"Long time no see, Aquarius" i smiled

"Oh! You know eachother?" Lucy looked back and forth between the two

"Well shes not called the 'Celestial dragon' for nothing" Aquarius growled at Lucy



2 hours later after Aquarius explained the situation to the dragon and Celesta ordered Aquarius to grab the other keys that were in Laylas position, then  to give then to Lucy which Lucy happily accepted.
Once Aquarius realised that Lucy would be safe here she returned back to the Celestial spirit world

"Alright Lucy, I thought i would never ask someone this question but.." Lucy stared up at the big dragon with eager eyes

"Would you like me to train you?"

".....Yes please!"

Celestial Dragon {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now