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"Shadow beam!" Light chanted as dark beams shot out hitting Natsu.

"Fire dragon wing attack!" The fire hit Light causing him to go flying backwards.


"Flight armour!" Erza raced at Destiny, cutter her leg with her sword.

"Tch, earth dragon crushing fang!"

Erza and Gray were blown back by the gust of wind

"Ice make: hammer!" Destiny was hit directly by it and fell to the ground

"Damn..." she muttered wiping herself off.


They continued fighting on and on as Lucy stood on the sidelines as they said "they would handle it"



Destiny hit the ground with a big thud.

"That took way longer than expected.." Gray sighed. "Natsus still going at it.."

"Im nearly out of magic power." Erza squinted as she fell on one knee.

"Me too." Gray sighed.


Natsu could feel his legs wobbling, Light smirked.

"Ill put you out of your misery." Light laughed

"Shadow sword: piercing!" A huge sword appeared in his hand, then he threw it at Natsu, full force.

Natsu's eyes widened as the shadow sword headed directly for his face.


A stream of golden light knocked the sword down just before it hit Natsu's face.

"Just in time.." Lucy sighed

"You again.." Light said in a annoyed tone.

"Celestial dragon wing attack!" Lucy chanted. Light went flying backwards, but he immediately lept back up.

"Lucy... lets take him out" Natsu started "breath attack!"

Lucy looked determined. "Okay!"

"Celestial dragon.."

"Fire dragon.."

"Roar!" The breath attacks both mixed in with eachother and headed straight for Light knocking him out.

Erza and gray dragged Destiny and Aia over to the two dragon slayers, Happy and Luma trailing behind.

"Good job, now what shall we do about these three?" Erza asked

"Hmmm, we could just dump em somewhere" Natsu grinned.

"Out of the question." Erza stated.

"We could give them into the council?" lucy suggested.

"That's probably the best choice" Gray agreed.

"Lets go with that then" everyone nodded


Sorry for it being so short :(

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