A egg?

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Its been 4 months since Celesta went missing, after the whole village-wolf incident Lucy eventually found a town with Leos help, ever since then she has been living in a small shack near the town that her spirits helped her find. Everyday she goes out and trains her magic with her spirits because she wants to 'impress Celesta' when she finds her.

"Lady lucy, please try a little harder" Capricorn said trying to help Lucy out with improving her magic power

"Ill try..." Lucy said extremely exhausted from a hard day of work

Once Capricorn was pleased with Lucys training he let her stop.

"Are we done for the day?" Lucy whined

"No. Now i need you to do a quick run around the area to keep up your fitness up" Capricorn ordered

"Oh... o-okay" Lucy slowly got up and started running, if she has learned anything from training with Capricorn its that it is better to get it over with quickly so she can rest earlier rather that be lazy and go slow.


Lucy was nearly finished her run when a object behind a tree caught her eye

She jogged over to it and examined the item, she thinks it was a egg of some sort..

"Maybe Capricorn will know!" Lucy said to herself feeling all the tiredness leaving her body, now excited to find out what this strange black and pink egg was.

"Capricorn!" Lucy yelled running around the corner seeing Capricorn standing in the same spot as before

"Is something wrong lady Lucy?" He questioned

"No, no. I was just wondering if you knew what this was" Lucy held up the egg

"Thaaaat would be a egg, lady Lucy" he replied

"Yeah.. i know that but like, what kind of egg? Its really big" Lucy said staring at the egg.

"I have never seen a egg like that before" he stated

"Oh.. i guess I'll just wait until it hatches then!" Lucy jumped around and ran back to her little house as Capricorn returned back to the Celestial spirit world.

Lucys POV

I wonder what it is? Maybe its like a big bird! Oh i bet it is!

How do i go about looking after it anyway? Oh birds sit on eggs to keep them warm... if i had fire magic I could keep it warm.

Lucy got a idea and created a star with her Celestial magic

"Stat gel!" She placed the star on top of the egg and it melted around it, it looked like 100 stars hovering around it.

"Alright! That should keep it warm until it hatches" Lucy smiled at the egg as she placed it on a small table next to her bed "and if it falls, my star gel will protect it"

As the excitement died down from Lucy finding the egg she stared to feel tired again and she went to sleep thinking about what will come out of the giant egg by her bed.

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