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"Two rooms, two beds in each?"

"Yes please" Erza nodded, Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Luna and Happy were all currently standing behind Erza in the reception of the hotel lobby, they had stalled time by looking around the small town near the village, its now night and they are all pretty tired.

Erza took the keys and gave one to Gray.

"Wait." Gray said as he took the key from Erzas hand "i have to share a room with them?" He pointed to Happy and Natsu, who were currently having a staring contest. Erza nodded

Lucy and Luna chuckled
"Have fun~"

Gray made a 'hmmph' noise and made his was upstairs to the rooms. The rest followed.


"Lucy, Luna. Wake up" Lucy felt her face being poked, and Luna felt her tail being moved.

"5... more minutes.." Luna mumbled into the pillow.

"Not now... Celesta..." Lucy mumbled into the sheets.

"Celesta?" The voice questioned "who's tha- no, doesn't matter. Lucy, Luna get up now!"

Luna was pulled up by her tail and Lucy got pushed off the bed.

"Huh?!" Lucy quickly jumped up and saw Erza calmly walking back to her bed, like nothing happened.

"You two wouldn't wake up" She stated going back to brushing her scarlet hair.

"Couldn't you have woken us up in a nicer way?!" Luna exclaimed whilst rubbing her tai.

"No. Now get ready we are leaving in a hour"

'Looks like shes not in the best mood' Lucy thought and sweatdropped.



"What took you so long?" Erza asked standing at the front entrance of the hotel, Lucy and Luna standing beside her.

"Matchstick took to long to get up" Gray said glaring at Natsu.

"Whatever" Natsu looked away "lets go"

"Aye sir!" Happy chanted.

With that they all headed out the door and started their journey.


"Where exactly are we heading anyways" Luna mumbled poking Lucys boot.

"North! Twenty minutes!" Lucy Exclaimed.

"Ah, twenty minutes.." Luna sighed

"You could use your wings." Happy said from above Luna.

"Yeah, you don't use them as much as Happy. I would use em all the time, it sounds fun!" Natsu said, everyone agreed.

"I feel like I'm showing off... and I don't like people paying too much attention to me. Even though i'm a talking cat." Luna stated with a sad smile. Lucy nodded understanding where she was coming from, whilst Natsu, Gray and Happy couldn't figure out why you wouldn't wanna show off cool wings. Erza simply smiled down at the small exceed in a understanding way, but she didn't get it either.

"Well. Doesn't matter, lets just focus on the task at hand!" Lucy said with her usual cheery attitude.

"Aye sir!"


"Yeaahhh! Im fired up!"


After a short twenty minute journey that felt like 'a life time' to Luna, they finally arrived at the village.

"Woahh, it really is a mess" Lucy gaped at all the destruction around her.

"Aye, I wonder how tough these guys are.." Happy said.

"Doesn't matter imma kick their butts!" Natsu shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

"Whatever hurry up, we need to find the person that filed the request." Gray said as he began to walk around.

"That would be smart." Erza agreed and followed him.


*knock knock*

"I think this is where they wanted to meet us." Erza said after knocking on one of the village doors.

The door opened to reveal a little old lady standing inside shaking in fear.

"W-who are y-ou" she asked hesitantly.

"Fairy tail wizards, are you the one you sent the request?" Erza asked politely, the woman instantly smiled sweetly and stepped aside.

"Ah, yes yes. Come in please."

They each walked in one after another at sat down by a small table. Gray looked up at the lady, "so lets get straight to the point what are these mages like?" He questioned. Everyone waited eagerly for her response.

"Two of them a girls and the other is a boy, the girls are twins I believe. The boy looks like he would be around twenty and the girls look only fifteen or sixteen.... but don't underestimate their magic power, Its tremendous they did all of this damage in the blink of a eye, and now they are just harassing the villagers. I think they are in the forest, nobody knows if they live there but we always see them walk there once they finish harassing us." The lady explained.

"Sounds really serious..." Lucy frowned, feeling sorry for the villagers.
The lady nodded.

"We will get on it immediately." Erza nodded, still taking in the situation. "Aye sir! We will take care of them!" Happy cheered.

"Do you know why exactly they harass you?" Natsu asked

"They mainly take money and food, but i think they just do it for fun..." the old lady wiped a few tears away. Everyone looked at her with sympathy.

"One last question. Do you know what magic they use?" Erza asked.

"No, I don't." The lady shook her head sadly. Erza sighed "thats fine."

"W-we will g-e-get right onto it t-then!" Luna tried to sound confident. Everyone sweatdropped at how bad she was at hiding her nerves.

"Yes" Erza said standing up "we will go right now." And she casually walked over to the door and signaled for us to follow.

"Ah yes yes, be careful!" The lady said.

And with that they all set off into the forest to see who these people were.

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