Fairy Tail

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Omg this story has 51 reads... that may not seem like much but thats loads to me. Thank you!

Lucy and Luna gaped at the huge building infront of them,

"This is your guild?!" Lucy asked "I didn't think it would be this big"

"Well it is the number one guild in fiore" Natsu said proudly.

"Woah you didn't mention that..." Lucy sighed.

"Well, stop staring and lets go inside!" Happy jumped up towards the guild doors, both Lucy and Luna were feeling pretty nervous in this moment of time.

"A-alright" Luna squeaked

Natsu pushed the doors open.

"We're back!" Happy yelled into the rowdy guild,

"Woah its noisy.." Lucy remarked

"I guess thats everyones first impression" Natsu chuckled

"Natsu! Who yah got there with yah?" A brown haired man said whilst smoking, he was sitting with a purple haired guy aswell.

"Yeah, yeah whos she?" The purple haired man asked, none of them noticed Luna as she was hiding behind Lucys leg.

"This is Lucy!" Natsu exclaimed "me and Happy brang her by to check out the guild, and see if she wants to join!"

"Thats unlike you, Natsu" a red-haired girl wearing amour walked over.

"Shes a dragon slayer!"

The whole guild went silent. Until..


Practically the whole place rumbled by everyone yelling those two words in sync.

"Heh..." Lucy scratched the back of her head awkwardly, then glanced at Luna, who was still hiding.

Lucy moved out of the way so that everyone could see Luna.

"And this is Luna!" Happy said pointing at her.

"H-hi" Luna chirped waving her little paw


"Omg, Carla look!" A small blue haired girl in the corner of the guild spoke "finally another girl!" She laughed

"Oh, thank god I don't think I could take another one of those" the white haired exceed said pointing at Happy.

The whole guild started laughing, except for Happy of course.

Before everyone could bombard Lucy with questions like:

'What kind of dragon slayer are you?!' And others like that,

Natsu turned to her and said

"So whatcha think?"

Lucy laughed

"Seems like a fun place."


"Where would you like the guild mark, Luna?" A girl named Mirajane asked

"On my back.." Luna turned around

"Okay! What colour?"

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