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"Its so messy!"

"Huh? Really?" Natsu asked confused, Lucy and Luna were currently standing in the door way as Natsu and Happy made their way into their house.

"Aye, I don't think its messy at all" Happy added whilst looking around, then he sweatdropped "hah, okay maybe a little"

"A little?! More like alot!" Lucy fumed "how do you live in this?"

"well.. we eat over there" Natsu pointed to a table.

"Not what i meant!"


"I guess we will sleep on the couch.." Lucy sighed looking at Happy and Natsu spread out sleeping on their bed.

"Yep." Luna agreed



"Lucyyyyy! Wake upppppp"

Lucy wiped her eyes and slowly sat up "huhh? Whatt?" Lucy yawned.

"We woke up early for you!" Happy pointed out poking Lucy. "Lunas already up!"

"Why?" Lucy asked still not registering what was happening.

"Your going on your first job today, remember?" Happy sighed

"Oh yeah!" Lucy exclaimed feeling energy rushing through her. She sat up looking at Happy and scratching the back of her head "sorry."

"Aye!" Happy flew over to the table in Natsu and his kitchen. 'He uses his wings way more than Luna...' she thought.

Lucy jumped up and walked over to them all.

"Wow, your good at cooking, Luna!" Natsu said inbetween him scoffing down the food.

"Hmm, Lucy is too. We had to live by ourselves after all" She said looking weirdly at how fast Natsu ate.

Lucy sat down at one of the chairs.

"Took you long enough" Natsu said. Happy was scoffing down his food just like Natsu.


They all finished eating then headed towards the guild.


Lucy was buzzing with excitement as they were picking out a job, and Luna on the other hand was trying to hide her nervousness.

"Calm down" Natsu said.

"Sorry, sorry" Lucy chuckled

"L-Lucy, I was t-thinking we should get a h-high paying one" Luna stumbled over her words.
'Ah, she's nervous' Lucy thought.

Lucy smiled down at Luna "yeah I thought that too." Lucy looked the board up and down "this one gives the most money" Lucy said taking the   paper off the board.

"O lemme see" Natsu and Happy said in unison.

Natsu grabbed it and read:

"..need strong wizards, 3 mages have came to our village and are acting like they own it, hurting the villagers and destroying houses.  It pays 800,000 jewel"

"That's different, we don't get requests like that often" Happy pointed out.

"Sounds interesting" Gray said strolling over "ill come other wise poor Lucy would have to deal with everything herself" he sneered obviously implying that Natsu was too weak.

"No way ice princess" Natsu growled

"Natsu, Gray" Erza turned around from her chair, where she was eating her strawberry cake. Erza had woken up in the middle of the night, very confused but luckily Mira was just heading out so she could help her.

"Ah, sorry" They said

"But im coming" Gray said "I was originally gonna take that job, but thought about how it said about the 'needing a strong wizard' it obviously wouldn't have been good to go alone."

"Tsk, whatever as long as you don't get in my way!" Natsu glared

"H-hey calm down" Lucy sweatdropped

"You wanna fight, matchstick?" Gray asked

"I thought you got the message" Erza stood up staring at the two boys, they stood up straight and stopped glaring at eachother.

"I think i might come aswell." Erza stated


"I mean i was thinking about how Lucy fought me the other day, and I thought that job would be interesting to see her fight properly" she clarified.

"Uh-uh okay.." Natsu and Gray sighed.

"Sounds fun!" Lucy smiled

"But money!" Luna said from bellow "are we gonna hafta split it?"

"I swear all you care about is the money" Lucy sighed looking at her exceed companion.

"Its important! I don't wanna be a hobo!" Luna exclaimed flinging her arms everywhere

Everyone laughed.


"H-hey... " Happy and Gray sweat dropped "she gets motion sickness too?"

Lucy and Natsu were both leaning on eachother complaining about how they were gonna die, and how they regretted picking a job where they had to travel 4 hours on a train.

"If only Wendy was here, she could use her troia spell.." Happy sighed.

"We only have 3 hours left, they'll live" Erza stated.

"Easy for you to say" Natsu croaked out.

Luna chuckled,
"So are we going straight to the village or..?" Luna asked

"I was thinking we should check into a hotel near the village first, and start first thing tomorrow." Erza said

"Aye!" Happy agreed

"Sounds good" Gray nodded his head

"Are... we there ye-yet?" Lucy groaned

Everyone laughed at her

"N-not funny..."

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