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"This is taking a long time." Lucy whined

Its only been a week since Lucy found the strange egg whilst running and she hasn't been training at all since, because she is afraid she would miss when the egg hatched.

"You must be patient, princess"

"Can't you do anything at all, Virgo?" Lucy asked the maid spirit.

"Maybe a brief dance would help it hatch earlier" Virgo said to Lucy

"That sounds ridiculous! How would that work?!" Lucy complained staring up at Virgo "be a little more serious!"

"Sorry, princess but I thought it was a good idea"

Lucy sighed, she had asked all her spirits but none of them new how to hatch it earlier.

"Ah, maybe I should just wait then" she sighed again slumping her shoulders in defeat.

Lucy looked up at the egg then at Virgo

"You can go back to the spirit world, Virgo"

"Yes, princess"


*creak* *crack*

Lucy sprung up from her slumber and quickly scanned the room until her eyes landed on the big egg.

"I-it-its hatching!" She exclaimed jumping out of bed, as it was 12am.

She rushed next to the egg and released the 'star gel' spell.

Star gel is a spell that covers whatever the caster chooses in a gel with small stars in it. Its warm and could be used in battle to hold a enemy in place.

"Is it a bird? Oh im excited!" Lucy basically yelled.

There was one final crack then a bright pink light flashed from the egg. Lucy stared in excitement.

Once the light disappeared there was with wings left sitting there.


"Oh! Its a cat! A cat with wings!" Lucy had stars in her eyes staring at the strange creature infront of her.

Bright pink orbs stared back at Lucy.

She was a black cat <exceed obviously> with pink eyes and a pink triangle birthmark around her eye.

"Pretty..." Lucy remarked as she reached out her arms towards the small cat.

"Pretty!" The cat exclaimed pointing at Lucy.

"Oh?! You can talk?" Lucy asked even more excited now.

"I t-tink" she said in a small cute voice

Lucy was very intrigued. She smiled. Then thought for a bit.

"You obviously need a name for me to call you" Lucy examined her new friend

"Luna?" The small exceed questioned pointing at herself.

"Yes! Luna!" Lucy put out her finger
to shake the small cats hand "its a pleasure to meet you, Luna. Im lucy"

Luna giggled and shook Lucys finger "Nice to meet you Lucy!"

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