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*time skip 6 years, Lucy is 16*
a/n yes i am extremely lazy and can't be bothered writing up to when she is 16.


"Lu-Lucy... theres t-to m-m-many people here" a small cat hid behind Lucy as they waited for their train to arrive.

Lucy sighed "you said you would be able to handle it. Just try to calm down once we get on the train it will be fine" Lucy tried to calm down her best friend, and kitty companion, Luna.

Lucy was extremely excited, because 1. this was the first time she would be riding a train and 2. Luna and Lucy decided between themselves that they would finally move from that small shack near the town and move to a bigger place with a bigger town. She couldn't wait!

"Waaahhh! I wanna go homeee!" Luna said looking around at the crowded area frantically, you see the only people she would talk to is Lucy and her spirits, but technically her celestial spirits don't count as Luna has developed a little bit of social anxiety, its really only bad in big crowds.

"The train will be here soon calm down Luna!" Lucy bent down to Lunas level and looked her straight in the eyes "just think about how great it will be once we move into Magnolia! Its much bigger than the last town, we can get a house or a apartment instead of living in the old shack"

Luna smiled knowing that Lucy was right, now only one thing was on her mind.

"Um, but Lucy?"


"How do you expect to buy a house with no money, we spent out last amount of money on this train ride, and we only had enough to go on this train because you stole money from that merchant with Leos help"

Lucys face hardened. "We will talk about that later..." she said patting Lunas head and standing up properly again.

"Ah okay.." Luna said chuckling a little then flying up to Lucys height to wait for the train.


Lucy and Luna were now sitting in their train seats waiting to go.

"I can't wait, I can't wait!" Lucy said practically jumping out of her seat.

"Yeah! I wonder what it will be like?" Luna exclaimed

"The train will now be departing"
A voice spoke from the speakers making Luna and Lucy even more excited..

The train started and...

"Huh? L-lucy?" Luna tapped Lucys leg "you okay?"

"Im....g..onna. Throw.... up" Lucy stumbled over her words

"Oh! Do you get motion sick?!" The small black exceed asked very concerned,

"I...don't know"

"Ah right. You've never been on a vehicle before.."

'This is gonna be a long ride' Lucy thought to herself.


"Woowwieee! It feels great to be off that train!"  Lucy stretched her arms up as her and Luna moved through the train station.

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