Chapter Two (Drama)

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Sorry for not updating this book but I'm back and this time the chapter will be longer.

Kirito POV §

"Shino!" I knocked on her door. "I know you are in there Asada!" I keep knocking. I sigh. Why does she have to be like this? I thought. I try to look through the peephole. I saw Shino standing by the door. "SHINO! Open the door! I see you through the peephole! Open up!" I keep knocking.

I hear a gasp and cursing. Shino opens the door just a crack. "What do you want Kazuto." She says coldly. "Can I come in?" I ask ignoring here. "Fine. But I have to leave soon." Shino grunted.

I walk inside her small apartment. "Why did you leave either?" I ask. "I told you I had plans." Shino lies. "Oh right." I say shrugging. "Now is that the only reason you came violently knocking on my door?" She asks annoyed. "Oh I was wondering if you wanted to meet someone." I say. "I ALREADY TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO MEET THE PEOPLE I SAVED!" Shino stands up and yells. "It's not them!" I lie. The truth was Shino had refused meeting them so much our only option was to trick her. "Promise?" She says crossing her arms. I wasn't expecting her reaction. I panic thinking of my options. Shino grabs the collar of my shirt. "PROMISE?" She sneers in my face.

Aw. Crap! If I don't promise she won't come! But if I do and she comes she will know I was a lair. I think panicking.

"KAZUTO! DAMMIT, I KNEW YOU WERE LYING!" Shino drops me and turns around. "Wait no! I'm sorry! I promise!" I panic.

Oh great, what did I get myself into? I sigh.

"Okay. Fine, I'll come. What time and place?" She asks me. "Oh tomorrow at 4:30 at the Dicey Cafe." My sweatdropped.

"Alright then. I'll be there. Can you leave now?" Shino asks. "Oh um yeah right." I get up to leave.

Time Skip§ Sinon POV§

I walk down the street to the Dicey Cafe. Kirito said that the people he wanted me to meet weren't the people that I saved. I trusted him. I open the door to see Liz, Kirito, and Asuna.

"Hey, Shino. Glad you could make it!" Asuna smiles at me. "Oh hello, Asuna." I go and sit at the table. "Alright, then I'll go get them." Liz stands up and walks around the corner.

A minute later she comes back with two people. I stand up and shove Kazuto. "YOU PROMISED!" I yell. "I'm sorry we had no choice!" He tries to explain. "I TRUSTED YOU!" I was trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. Kazuto almost falls out of his chair.

I start to run out of the cafe. "Shino wa-"
"SAVE IT KIRIGAYA!" I stop him and run out of the cafe.

I run all the way home. I open my door and lock everything.

Screw them! Those lying bastards! I sit on my bed. Kirigaya will probably come looking here for me. I need to make it look like I'm not here. I turn off all the lights and hide in the bathroom.

Sure enough, Kazuto comes knocking on my door. He eventually leaves.

Asuna POV§

What was with Shino? We are only trying to help. And she hurt Kazuto. She can cry and throw a tantrum but when she hurts Kazuto that's crossing the line. I thought.

Kazuto walked back inside. "She didn't answer the door. I'm not even sure if she was home." He sighs and sits next to me. "Hey. It's going to be okay." I lean on him. "Yeah, I know." Kazuto kissed me.

If Shino ever tries to get in the way of this. Or tries to hurt Kazuto, she will have it good. I thought enjoying the kiss.

There we go I know I haven't updated this story in like a month now. But here you go. And I tried to make it like tsudere+yandere= Asuna so yeah. Hopefully, you won't have to wait a month for the next update.

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