Chapter Twelve (Blackmail)

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Sinon POV

It had been a week sense Kirito and I got together. I was calmly walking.

Asuna comes out of nowhere. "Hey, Sinon. I haven't talked to you in a while." She smiled. Asuna then quickly dragged me away from Kirito.

"Listen." She said still smiling. "You have to break up with Kirito and convince him to get back with me."

"Or?" I ask questioningly.

"Or I spill your secret."

"What secret?" I scoffed.

Asuna leaned very close to me and put her mouth to my ear. Very quietly she whispered, "That you murdered someone."

I ran and logged out the fastest I have ever logged out in my life.

I sat in my room on my bed staring at the wall when Kirito knocks on my door.

He eventually just enters and sits next to me.

"What happened Shino?" He asked. "Nothing." I lied. "Shino."

I broke down into tears. Kirito hugged me and I buried my face in his chest.

"Kazuto I'm a murderer."

"No, you aren't Shino."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you aren't."

"Yes, I am."

"No, Shino. You are my girlfriend."

Sorry, it is short finals are coming up and I've been busy so I haven't been on Wattpad for a while but I needed to get a chapter out and I feel like this chapter is stupid and cheesy. Idk.

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