Chapter Six (Cry Myself To Sleep)

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Sinon POV

Kirito walked me home. "I'm glad you're safe." He hugged me and left.

I decided to finally fix my apartment because I didn't have to keep up the act anymore.

That night I could actually sleep. I felt happy and bubbly inside.

The next day I went on ALO. I walked to the field Kirito was usually waiting for Asuna.

I stop. It was Kirito and Asuna...


I cover my mouth and immediately log out.

Kirito POV§

"I'm glad you are finally back to your normal self." Asuna smiles. "Yeah and Sinon even said she would join our hunting party today. Are you sure the sleeping knights are okay with you doing this?" I ask. Asuna nods. "Okay just checking. Let's meet the others now." We go and walk to the meeting place not far from the field.

"Hey, Kazuto!" Leafa waves us down. "We are only waiting on Sinon now." Klein swings around his sword. "Are you sure she is coming?" Asuna asks looking around.

"Yeah, we just need to wait." I lay on the ground stretching.

"Hey, guys!" A distant voice calls. It was Sinon.

She runs up to us panting. "Sorry, it took a while to get here from my save point." She says. I felt like she was hiding something. But what? And why?

Sinon POV §

We were walking to the hunting place. Kirito pulled my tail. "KIRITO!" I draw back an arrow. He runs back to were he was. Asuna glares at him.

Silica shuffled forward and held her tail closer to her. Klein mumbled something to Kirito. I sigh and continue walking.

Asuna POV §

Was Kirito flirting with Sinon? Impossible! He loves me. Not her. Sinon should be careful with Kirito though.

I walk next to Kirito and we talk all the way to the hunting grounds.

Sinon POV §

We arrived and mobs started spawning. I go to higher grounds.

I managed to get the most kills out of all of us. Kirito was trailing close behind because he kept stealing my kills.

We were all hanging out at Kirito's little cabin in the woods. It was late and everyone was asleep. All except for Kirito and Asuna, who were making out in the back. I get up not caring if I wake anyone up or not. I go outside and log out.

I wake up in my same old boring apartment. I take off the rig.

I roll over and tears flow down from my eyes.

Did yesterday night mean nothing to him? Was all he ever did for me because of nothing? I thought he cared about me. Stupid Shino! Why would you ever think anyone would truly care for you like that.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

Okay, I have to cut it off here because I have major allergies and I want to claw out my eyes right now. So yeah see you next week. Bye~

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