Chapter Fifteen (Apologizes)

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Sorry, this is a little late and there will be a sequel I just don't know when I still have a few more chapters to the book and then I need to start the sequel. But anyway here you go.

Sinon POV

My apartment was a mess and I was planning on moving in with Kirito and the place he got soon. I still had my tiny kitchen in tact so I went out to buy some groceries.

I was just picking out some fruit when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around. "Um yes, can I help-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

It was Asuna.

"Hey, Asada... Look I know you are probably mad at me." Her eyes were shadowed out.

"What is it?" I say with a sharp tone. I was still mad at her. They all hate me now except for Liz and Kazuto because they knew what was really going on. Klein drew his sword at me. Then again Kirito stopped everything but whatever.

"It's okay. I know you are mad. And you have every right to be mad at me. What I did was wrong. I shouldn't have told people about that without your permission." She bowed to me.

"Ya think? Asuna you ruined my life! The only person who still believes in me now is Kazuto! He is my last pillar of hope and you tried taking him away from me!" Why am I this mad? I am mad but I shouldn't be this mad.

"I know. And I am so sorry! Sorrier than ever! But I won't bother you anymore. I have found new love." She looked back up at me.

"Fine. I forgive you but that doesn't mean I trust you." I left the store without buying anything.

Asuna, I don't trust her anymore. No matter what I won't trust her. She has to earn my trust back.


"Hey, Shino are you done yet?" Kazuto yelled from outside.

"Yeah, yeah give me a minute! These boxes are heavy!" I walk into the new house and was awestruck. "Awe! It's so pretty!"

"I'm glad you like it." Kazuto smiled.

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