Chapter Three (Worried)

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Kirito POV§

I was really worried about Shino. There was no sign of her. She wasn't on ALO. I even tried GGO and she wasn't there. Her apartment was still vacated and according to her friends at school, she hadn't been at her school for the past few days.

Shino wherever you are, be safe. I'm worried.

Asuna POV§

I find Kazuto looking worried in the cafeteria. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask. "Asuna, I'm really worried about Shino. I don't think what we did was right." He says looking up at me. "Hey, we were trying to help her. Stop being so negative. If she can't handle it then that's her problem, not ours." I smile. "I guess your right." Kazuto sighs.

Shino. That girl annoys me. First, he hurts Kazuto and now she is worrying him to death. She will learn to treat Kazuto better. I will make sure of it! I sneered secretly in my thoughts.

Sinon POV§

I was at my apartment. Apparently, Kitigaya has been looking for me. That's why I created a second account for GGO. 

"Link start!" I yell.

I dive into the world of GGO. I made my avatar look completely different to my other avatars. This time I had long red hair and I almost looked a little bit like Asuna.

 This time I had long red hair and I almost looked a little bit like Asuna

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(I don't own that picture. Just found it on google at looked pretty close to what I was thinking of.)

I had been playing for a while now. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and it was none other than Kirito.

"Can I help you?" I ask. "I was wondering if you have seen a girl with short ice blue hair. She is a sniper. I'm really worried about her." He says.

Worried about me? My mind was puzzled.

"Sorry I haven't seen her." I lie. "Let me know if you do okay. Or at least tell her I'm really worried. I can't reach her real or virtual. So I'd appreciate it." Kirito walked off.

Yeah I know it's short but I am going to end it here for now hopefully I can get a chapter out in the next week or so.

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