Chapter Seven (Dense)

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Sorry I missed the week mark but let's just hop right into the chapter.


Sinon POV§

I wake up and yawn. My eyes hurt from crying. Stupid Shino. Thinking Kazuto would actually like you. It is hopeless, he loves Asuna.

I got up and took a shower. I laid back down on my bed letting out a long deep sigh. I roll over and see my rig. I clench my teeth. I get up and change ALO to GGO.

I put on the rig. "LINK START!"

I was on Yunaki because it pained me too much to go on my other account. The account that I fell in love with Kirito on.

I walked around a plaza area. People kept hitting on me. I sit down at a table and buy a drink. I sigh and lay my head down on the table.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I sit up to see nonother than Kirito. I sigh and lay my head back down. "What do you want," I grunted. "Why aren't you at the hunting party?" He asked. "Because you kept stealing my kills." I lied. "Sinon that's childish and not like you. Now tell me the real reason you aren't with us today." Kirito sits.

Kirito why are you so dense when it comes to love? I thought.

"It's because..." I trail off. Kirito stared at me waiting for me to continue. "It's because I like you Kirito. More than a friend. I cried myself to sleep last night because you were back with Asuna. I thought that kiss was special. I thought it meant something to you. But of course, me being stupid Sinon, was wrong. SO STOP BEING DENSE AND REALIZE THAT I LOVE YOU OKAY KIRITO!" I log out crying.

Why did I even confess? He is going to come here now. I don't even bother taking off the rig I stare at the ceiling and cry.

I hear a knock on the door. I keep crying and don't open it. The knocking grew louder. I hear the door burst open and slam against the wall.

Someone picks me up bridal style. They take the rig off of my head. "Sinon." They whispered in my ear. I open my eyes. "Kazuto?" I whimpered. "Shino. Look. I am sorry I never realized it before but I care about you. I always thought that you weren't the type of person to go into a relationship. After the death gun incident, I thought you didn't want a relationship. And I am really sorry that I hurt you." I was stunned.

I lay limp in Kazuto's arms. He gently put me back on my bed. "Meet me here tomorrow at noon. I want to tell you something." Kazuto handed me a piece of paper with an address written on it. He left my apartment leaving me dumbfounded and confused.

Then it hit me. I am a sniper. All snipers meet their perfect target. And I just found mine. Kirito...


Okay, Chapter 7 is done sorry it took me a while. See you all next week. ~

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