Chapter 4

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Magnolia was in chaos as the Battle of Fairy Tail raged through the town.

Elfman Strauss had just stepped in to defend Cana and Juvia from the wrath of Freed Justine.

Now, he, himself, was the victim of Freed's Dark Écriture. Freed inflicted one pain-inducing spell after another, forcing the younger wizard to shriek in agony.

Mirajane watched the scene unfold on the bridge above her. She cried desperately for Freed to stop and leave her suffering brother alone.

Her words fell on deaf ears, though, as Freed grew weary of his twisted game. He prepared to cast one final spell on Elfman. His incantation echoed through the air. "Dark Écriture - Death!"

The words brought the memory of her deceased younger sister to the forefront of Mira's mind. Her heart stopped at the thought of losing the only family she had left.

A dark magic seal appeared above her head as her dormant powers awakened. She screamed, and the ground shook under the magnitude of her magic.

Freed gawked in horror at the sight of Mirajane's Full Body Takeover - a form no one had seen in over two years. Satan Soul!


Freed stood no chance against Mirajane. Her speed and power, fueled by rage, were simply too much. He was overwhelmed and outmatched.

With one final attack, Mira sent Freed crashing to the ground, making a massive crater in the earth.

Elfman arrived with Cana and Juvia to witness the carnage. The fight was over, but Mirajane was out of control. Her rage had pushed her into a frenzy, and she was hell-bent on completely destroying Freed.

She swooped in and charged Freed as he lay helpless. Before she could deliver the final blow, though, a shadowy figure appeared out of nowhere and collided with Mira. Elfman and the girls gawked as the mysterious figure and Mirajane crashed into a nearby rock wall. The scene was covered by an explosion of dust and shattering stone from the force.

"She-Devil" Mira groaned slightly as her head cleared. Her anger quickly spiked again as she remembered the situation at hand. Laxus's traitorous actions, Freed's assault, her brother's suffering. She saw Freed frozen right where she'd left him.

She growled furiously as she attempted to continue her attack, but she couldn't move. She looked to find a pair of strong arms wrapped tightly around her from behind, effectively restraining her. She struggled against the hold to no avail, growling in increasing aggravation.

"Shhh... Easy Mira... It's alright."

She gasped and froze at the calming tone whispering in her ear and sensation as a pair of lips gently caressed her exposed neck and shoulder.

The surprise shone plainly on her face as (F/n) loosened his grip slightly and she was able to turn and look at him. His back was firmly against the shattered rock, having taken the brunt of the impact.

The Dark Dragon Paladin: Mirajane Strauss x Male Reader x Erza ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now