Epilogue: Tartaros Arc - Part 1

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(F/n) Dreyar burst through the doors of the Fairy Tail guild hall in a hurry. His face was twisted in a mix of emotional pain and rage. "Where's Laxus?!" he demanded, looking around for anyone to respond. Most of the guildmembers just stared back at him in terror, as if any answer would be immediately met with execution. 

(F/n) eventually got tired of waiting and went straight for the stairs on his way to the infirmary. Mirajane suddenly stood in his way, placing her hand on his chest to stop him. 

"Let me pass, Mira," (F/n) growled. He leaned into her hand out of determination, thinking Mira would back down, but, instead, the girl stood firm and would not budge.

Mirajane's voice was stern and direct as she spoke. "(F/n), I need you to calm down and listen to me." (F/n) was only further aggravated by her directions. "Don't tell me to calm down Mira!" he shouted. "I need to see Laxus, right now!"

"No!" Mirajane shouted right back. Her magic power flared up for a moment, causing (F/n), and everyone around for that matter, to take a step back out of surprise. Mira took a breath to compose herself. "(F/n)," she said in a reasoning tone. "Laxus is hurt... He's very weak, and he might even be fighting for his life. Porlyusica doesn't know when, or even if, he and the others will recover. They're lucky to be alive right now."

(F/n) had to fight back the stabbing pain in his heart as the reality of the situation set in. Mirajane continued, "Laxus isn't in any condition to be around you like this. You're too worked up to help anyone. If you really want to be there for him, you need to start by taking a moment to calm down."

Mira embraced the normally strong, proud wizard as his tears began to fall. "He's my family," he cried. "I know," Mirajane replied. "But you need to make sure that you're there for him and not for the sake of revenge."

It got dark outside by the time (F/n) was able to calm down. The door creaked as he entered the infirmary. Ezra was there, standing vigil as Master Makarov sat on a stool next to Laxus's bed. Erza greeted him with a sad smile and a hug. She whispered in his ear, "I'll give you all a moment." She then placed a kiss on his cheek before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

(F/n) almost couldn't look directly at his bed-ridden cousin. It was hard to see him in his current state, weak and vulnerable. After a few deep breaths, he finally pushed his emotions back down and stepped forward, placing a hand on the Guildmaster's shoulder.

Makarov didn't need to see who it was to know. "I'm glad you're here," the old man said. "Of course Uncle," (F/n) replied.

"(F/n)..." a quiet groan reached both their ears. Makarov gasped in surprise, "Laxus! You should be trying to rest!"

Laxus ignored his grandfather's scolding. "(F/n)...," he groaned again. His hand rose from his side, reaching weakly for (F/n).

(F/n) immediately was at the bedside, gripping Laxus's hand firmly in his own. "I'm here Laxus. I'm here."

"(F/n)..." Laxus whispered. (F/n) leaned close to hear the quiet words. "You know what you have... to do." Laxus just managed to finish his sentence before slipping back into unconsciousness. 

(F/n) stood in awe as he gradually made sense of the words in his mind. After a moment, his expression became one of stone cold determination. He released Laxus's hand, gently letting it rest on its owner's chest. 

"I understand," (F/n) said firmly. A smirk then appeared and he let out a light chuckle. "Rest easy Cousin. I'll finish what you started, and I'll make sure no one else gets hurt."

With that, he turned and passed by the Guildmaster on his way out. "(F/n)," Makarov called as the younger wizard opened the door. (F/n) stopped but didn't look back. "Yes Master?" he responded. 

"What exactly are you going to do?" the old man asked gruffly.

(F/n) felt his inner rage rise again in his chest. His voice came out deep and full of malice. "I'm going to make Tartaros pay for what they've done. To the magic council. To the people of Hargeon. To Laxus and the others. I'm going to wipe them off the face of the Earth, and I'll show no mercy to anyone who stands in my way." He was seething.

Silence prevailed for a moment before the Guildmaster simply said, "Good luck."

[Cue Outro] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtpfIwoV3DU

[Author's Note]: I have received many, many requests (and I mean many requests) to continue this story into the Tartaros Arc, so, as a special thanks for all the love and support, I've finally decided to give in and do it.

That's why...

The Dark Dragon Paladin is finally back and ready to throw down with the 9 Demon Gates, so get hyped for some serious bad-assery and more of that sweet Mirajane & Erza lovin' that I know we're all really here for! ;) Part 2 - Coming soon!

The Dark Dragon Paladin: Mirajane Strauss x Male Reader x Erza ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now