Chapter 7

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The first day of the Grand Magic Games...

"Hidden" was the first game. The competitors from each team were chosen, with Gray representing Fairy Tail Team A.

"If Gray is going to be involved, then of course I'll be participating!" Juvia insisted.

Neither Gajeel nor Laxus were too keen on that idea.

"If this is a game of hide-and-seek, wouldn't it make more sense to choose someone with a knack for stealth?" Laxus asked pointedly.

"No kidding," Gajeel agreed. "Besides the fact that your one of the most indiscreet people I know!"

Juvia was terribly upset by the comments. Tears streamed down the poor girl's face.

"Now don't start crying!" Gajeel demanded insensitively.

Laxus turned to his cousin. "(F/n), why don't you take this one?" he suggested.

(F/n) retied the white bandanna on his head then shrugged his shoulders. "If Juvia wants to so badly, I don't see any problem with letting her take this round," he said nonchalantly. "I would much rather save my energy for later anyways."

"Are you kidding me?!" Gajeel asked incredulously. "What if she loses?!"

(F/n) smiled sheepishly. "It's only the first day! If things don't go well, I'm certain we can make up for it!"

Laxus grunted in frustration. "Mira, would you please talk some sense into him?"

Mira just raised her hands helplessly. "What do you expect me to say? I can't even convince him to watch a chick-flick with me!"

"Enough!" (F/n) ordered. He took a step toward Juvia and placed a hand on her shoulder. His words were soft and encouraging. "Go for it, Juvia. Give it your best!"

Juvia's eyes filled with adoring gratitude as she clapped her hands together. "Ok!" she said with determination. "I won't let you down!"


Juvia knelt on all-fours and bowed her head apologetically. "I'm so sorry I let you down!" she said, grovelling at (F/n)'s feet. "Please forgive me!"

Gajeel was pounding his head against the wall in frustration while Laxus stood nearby grinding his teeth. Mira covered her face in embarrassment.

(F/n) looked up at the scoreboard. The game had ended with Fairy Tail Team B in seventh place, awarding them 1 point. The only team that did worse was Team A, which was just as discouraging. Overall, Fairy Tail was off to the worst possible start.

(F/n) wasn't upset though. "Raise your head, Juvia," he said softly. He took a knee so he wouldn't tower over her. The water wizard sat up and looked at him with tear-filled eyes. She felt horrible about her performance.

The Dark Dragon Paladin: Mirajane Strauss x Male Reader x Erza ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now