Getting Read for Warped tour.

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Updateeeee for once! Yay. So, im sorry. Im really bad at updating right now. I kinda forget what happened during the role play at this time, But further in the future it gets much more intresting. I promise. I think anyway. I tend to get emotional when i read or even role play. So, i was crying during the most recent parts. Would you guys like a sneak peak?


 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-July's POV-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

I've been with Black Veil Brides for about a week now, Its been the weirdest experience in the history of life. That i can promise you. The only thing the same is the early mornings and late nights. Im super excited, yea they've been doing a show everyday of the week. I havent been to any of them, sense they didnt entirely trust me alone backstage, due to how awesomely weird i am on the bus.

 Ever sense i've been on the bus, ive come to know the guys quite well. Jinxx is the calm quite one. The TOUR MOMMY! CC yea he's the crazy ass hyper one. Jake, meh cant say much. Other then dont mess with him and his pizza. Ashley, gosh player. But i have a feeling he's trying to change. I took Ashley like a older brother. Then there's Andy, the tall ass giraffe/gazelle/lion guy. I know this sounds crazy but i've developed feelings for him. I should know better sense he's with Juliet. But, feelings are feelings. Cant help what they do.

"July?" i heard someone asking through the curtain to my bunk. The only extra one on there bus. It kinda sounds like Ashley.

"Im needed?" I asked moving the curtain with my toes, sense i was pre-occupied with playing a game on my phone. This phone is like my life. It has alot of my good memories on it. Some of the bad ones to but thats not important at this time.

"Well, yea. Kinda." He laughed and leaned on the part above my bunk, watching what i was doing. "We know we've kept you inside the bus most of the time, so we want you to come to this show with us. You can sit backstage and watch."

I sqealed and im pretty sure i hurt his eardrums, sense he kneeled over and held his ear with his hands. "Really?" i sqealed again then clamped a hand over my mouth "sorry Ashley."

"Its ok Ly, and yep. We go on in about an hour and a half, and i know girls take forever to get ready so hurry your butt up." He stuck his tongue out, causing me to huff and punch his shoulder.

"It takes me about half an hour thank you very much. But it never hurts to be ready ahead of time. So shoo! Wait, dammit i have no clothes. Mine are kinda still wet." I sighed and hopped out of the bunk, Andy's massive shirt going down to my knees. 

"Ill give you a pair from the Purdy line.." he laughed and went to his bunk digging through his massive pile of clothes and finally produced a pair of Rockstar Iron Cross pants and a black mid stomach shirt that said 'Ashley Fucking Purdy' on the front and black lace on the back. "here."

"Thank you, ill be sure to give them back.. Wait.. why do you have girls clothing?" I paused and looked at him tilitng my head. 

"My line of clothes July. You think i wouldnt?" he rolled his eyes then left me to my lonesome to get ready. slipping off Andy's t-shirt and slipped on the jeans then my combat boots. Afterwards i slipped on the shirt. "Ashley can i use yor makeup?"

"go ahead!" Was all i heard and it was quite faint, before i heard crashing and CC shouting "I win bitch!"

Oh gosh.. Guys. After i dug through his makeup i applied a line of eye liner, eye shadow and Mascara -which ashley oddly had- i was ready. I quickly cleaned up and put everything back. Thats when i walked out, all the guys freezing what they were doing. Just to look up at him. All there eyes widened. 

"Damn, Ly i never thought those would look good together. Your rockin it." Ashley smiled.

"Your look nice Ly." That was from Jake.

"Awesome, rockstar chick roght here!" I was attacked by CC.

"It suites you. Give her some room CC!" Jinxx rolled his eyes.

Then it was all down to Andy, who's mouth was slightly Agape. but he quickly shut it and nodded "nice." I was just cold shouldered...

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