What to do?

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Gah, Im super excited for Monday.. I get my hair dyed. Then on Saturday I have a stag to go to.. With one of my best friends <3


-.-.-.-.-.-.-July's POV-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

After i got out of the Shower, i took time to wash off my makeup and get dressedNo point in rushing, the guys are out there with him. Should i wear makeup or not.. uhmm i guess not.

Now i need to decide what we could do.. I know he likes batman, and he likes food. So maybe a movie night? Tomorrow we can watch Batman, and other things like that. Maybe even something else. NOT THAT YOU PURDY PEOPLE!

I think we'll watch Batman now...

"Did I hear batman?" I heard Andy wheeze, Shit.. did I say that out loud.

"Oh, yea. You heard batman, I was planning on hi-jacking your fan Candy and putting in Batman." I said walking out, my hair in wet curls which cascaded down my back. I hate curly hair, but I don't feel like ruining their straightener, or my hair.

Andy nodded "Yay, batman." he smiled.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, going to put the disc in. Then, I went and dug through a cupboard containing the fan candy, then walked back, grabbing the remote. I gently moved his head and slid under his head, letting his head rest in my lap. "Batman time!"

Andy cheered and smiled softly, turning his head to the tv. As soon as the movie started, he was instantly absorbed into it. He never even felt me snatch the M&Ms from his grasp, til he went to get one from the bag.

"Gah, whered it go?" he squeaked and looked up at me questionally. I giggled and held it up, gently laying it on his chest again. "I stole them sorry."

He roled his eyes and took one out and chewed on it happily "Don't worry dear." he said and went back to watching the movie.

********End of Movie********

I looked down and noticed Andy was passed out. I smiled softly and gently slid off the couch, putting a pillow where my lap once was. "Sleep well Andrew." I murmured, then gently leaned down and kissed his forehead. Before I walked off to my bunk, climbing in and passing out.

*-*-*-*-*-*Andy's POV*-*-*-*-*-*-*

I was just about to fall asleep when I felt July move from under me. Before, she put a pillow under my head then I heard a quiet voice murmur "Sleep well Andrew" Before I felt what mustve been her lips on my forehead, then her footsteps faded into the bunk rooms.

I swear.... This girl will be the death of me

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