Finishing the Concert.

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Well this is another update. i hope you like it so enjoy! No sneak peak then? one comment asking for it i will post it! Im having alot of fun writing and reading your comments.


-.-.-.-.-.-July's POV-.-.-.-.-.-

Oh gosh im so worried right now. Andy, he's such an idiot. He knows he's injured yet he's going up to finish his show. He seriously love his fans if he's willing to risk injuring himself further. But, he's going to the hospital right after his set. Thank god.

"Hey Ly, Your coming to the hospital with us right?" Jake asked, knowing i was worrying majorly about Andy. I think they all know that, i like him. Thank god Andy's oblivious that i do. Takes some weight off my mind.

"Oh, yea obviously." I nodded and smiled every so slightly. It was more just a twitch of my mouth.

"We all know you like him July. " Jinxx murmured leaning closer to my ear and smiling, He only did it so Andy couldnt hear our conversation. Its not like he could. He's to busy being fussed over, having a wrap around his ribs. Yea, he broke 3 ribs. Thats going to take awhile to heal.

"Ohh, well can you keep that a secret? Id sooner him not know.. Sense he's with Juliet." I murmured and lowered my hair, once again re-adjusting my hair. Sometime i want to just punch my hair, but that would be considered punching myself. So im not going to do that. Wow, i really need help dont i?

"We promise Ly." I heard all the guys vow, i never knew they were all listening. Thats kinda a surprise.

"Thanks guys." I smiled and went back to scrolling through my phone, I want to listen to my music again dammit! But, i cant. Im here to enjoy this concert.

"Ly, can i speak to you for a se-second?" Andy stuttered and went into a coughing fit. Oh gosh, i really hope he's going to be ok.

"Uhh, yea sure Andy." I nodded and looked at him, and slowly approached his broken figure. He looks even worse when your eyes arnt full of tears. I mean.. I so wasnt crying. Yea i guess i was.

"Can you come on stage? I mean to sing with me?" He asked, my eyes instantly widening. "Cause, im not overly sure how long i can last."

"Of course, if you really want me to Andy." I smiled and he smiled back. "Are we going out now?I mean on stage."

"Yea." He nodded and got to his feet wincing at the pain but dealt through. At one point he had his arm around ym shoulder so he wouldnt fall. Wow, i can actually see how much pain he's truely in.

Once we got out on the stage the fans all screamed and gave me an odd look. But Andy rolled his eyes "Sorry guys. But, i mise well tell you wharts wrong. When i fell, i broke 3 ribs. So i brought my friend July here out to help me sing."

I waved slightly and looked at Andy, who nodded encouragingly. With that we sang.

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