Time Off Warped Tour

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You guys are super lucky! its the 3rd or so update today! You enojoying the story so far? I hope so. I must also thank Roman (@EmoRessurrection) for helping me remember whats happened at the begin-ing. So thank you Roman.


-.-.-.-.-.-.-July's POV-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

"L-L-Ly?" I heard an Andy stutter. It actually came out more or a gasp, then a whine. I looked up as his arm reached towards the IV. WHich i swatted his hand down.

"Andy, not touching the IV! Thats numbing some of the pain." I murmured, holding my hand on his arm, keeping it pinned against the hospital bed.

"It hurrrrtttts! Pleasee?" He whined and tried to move his arm out of my grip.

I shook my head "Andy! No. You also know your going to be taking a few days off warped." I said, that making Andy's head snap in my direction. I guess he didnt like me saying that.

"N-No i wont be. I need to please the fans! I need to-" I put my hand over his mouth and shook my head.

"Your not going. I do not care. Your fans completely understand. You broke THREE ribs. Your not going out there Andy." I said quite harshly, then instantly regretted it. Nice job July. B*tch much.

"But, I have to i dont care about my health. I need to go out on stage! I need to do what i like to do! Thats sing. July, i HAVE to." He complained and kept insisting that he 'Had' to.

At that moment his phone rang and he struggled to reach it. As i shook my head i grabbed it and looked at the caller id.

"Kevin Lyman." I murmured and held it out to Andy, letting his arm go so he could use the phone, before placing my head back on his bedside.

-,-.-.-.-.-.-.-Andy's POV-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

I wonder why Kevin's calling me. Im doing tour i dont exactly care what anyone says. But, July does make a point.. I mean yea, it's risking hurting myself further. I still will perform.

I sighed as i answered the phone "Hey there Kevin."

"Andy? Yea? Ok, I do know you recently injured your ribs. I am just syaing i will be sending out tweets that you will be missing the next few shows." Kevin said.

"Kevin. No im fine, im ok to perform." I replied, i felt July wince beside me. Why does she care so much? I mean its not like she likes me or anything. We just met.

"Andy, your not getting worse, i already sent out the tweets. Your off for the next few shows and that is all done. There is no open discussion. Goodbye Andrew." He said, his voice showing not to talk back or argue.

"FIne, goodbye Kevin." I hung up and set the phone back on my chest and winced, hissing out an 'ow'

July looked up and took the phone placing it on the bedside table. "Now you see what i was saying.." she murmured.

"Uhmm, yea. Off to a different subject. Tell me a little bit about yourself." I smiled slightly.

"Uhmm, ok? Well as you know my names July. My full name is July Moon. Im 21 and uhmm, i do drink the odd time. You know that i am able to sing. I can dance the odd time. Im quite shy, but im kinda over-coming that. Thats all that you should know right now." She said, her eyes scanning my face.

She's kinda pretty. I mean. Dammit Andy! Your with Juliet. "Well thats alot to know about someone. Helps me understand you better." I murmured and went to scratch the IV's again with a yawn, the medication making me sleepy again.

Before i could even touch the IVs, her hand reached up and grabbed mine. Holding it down to the bed. "Sleep Andy. It might make you feel better."

I nodded and let my eyes flicker shut. Her hand still grasping mine, before i felt a lsight pressure on my arm. "sleep well Ly."

"You to Biersack."

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