3. The walk of shame...

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The morning aftermath of that one-mind-blowing-night-stand sucks especially when you were sober enough to taste your own mouth like mud.

And not to mention the fact that your head was heavier than your entire whole weight and for just a mere sound of anything audible it wanted to split into two.

And oh, how could anyone forget the walked of shame after the fun part? Arabela didn't because she knew by heart she had to do it whether she would gonna liked it or not.

She frowned on the idea of doing it in the afternoon. Was this kind of thing supposed to be done early in the morning?

Huh! Good God! Since I met this beautiful stranger I'd been rewriting history and challenging the norms." She thought grimacing.

She looked on the man sleeping beside her. He seemed relaxed if you would base it on his easy breathing. Unlike her, her nerves was starting to pick up the messages from her sane brain she had temporarily blocked out by tons of booze the night before.

Do you know the feeling when you deemed got what you wanted and then suddenly feeling guilty about it?

That was exactly what Arabela's predicament as of the moment after she decided to "SWITCHED BACK ON" her rational mind while staring on the back of the sleeping stranger.

Where was she anyways? Arabela felt confused and pretty much hangover.

Payback was a real pain in the ass!

Actually, all of us knew that, to be honest, but still we just loved to test how deep the water had really been. You wouldn't know for sure if it would drown you when you didn't experienced it firsthand right?

And her, "She's young, she's fine and get some damage" philosophy was rather in the mockery mood today and she comes to terms with herself to ignore it for now or else she would lost her courage to leave him there all by himself without a word.

Arabela managed to slowly shot up and made no sound for the fear of getting caught by the stranger. Last night was fun sure, but today it was entirely a different story.

She quickly picked up her clothes which she found in the different corners of the room and thank God still wearable. She also managed to fixed herself a little and run off without a second glance and then she could've seen the woman standing in the bathroom door watching her with a distaste plastered on her brown eyes.

She was such in a hurry she didn't even felt the locket of her bracelet fell down on the cold pavement. It was actually more of a cowardice on her part and the idea of confrontation scared the hell out of her. She was the one who orchestrated these things in the first place. And with a train wreck mind she had right now, she was pretty sure she would only regret whatever words would come out on her own mouth at the moment.

If the man would actually woke up and really caught her leaving what will she gonna say anyway?

"Thanks for the pleasure?"

She'd rather die than faced him again in this life time. But then again she could do nothing about this because whether she liked it or not, this was happening... to her.

She sighed heavily.

Because she was almost sure on herself that every single detail of that man's body had shockingly tattooed on her mind so forgetting him was out of the question and would be helluva of a task to do if her stubborn mind would insists. She wouldn't go and broadcast this to anyone so seeking for help was not an option either.

And those stuffs they had shared together were all her firsts and were too good and sizzling hot to pretend they were just a dream and never happened. She still actually felt a tingle on the mere thought for the last night's big event.

Naughty-pervert-little Arabela was rather working overtime.

"You will never want to forget the good smell of his body, do you?" Said the slutty little voice from somewhere inside her head.

The answer of course was a crisp NO.

Good God!

The man knew how to use a shower Gel. The smell had stuck with him the entire hours she was with him while hers had been long gone even if they'd used the same soap together.

Arabela felt the surge of her blood up to her face when the soaping of each other vividly crossed her mind. She calmed herself down and barely successful in squealing her embarrassment.

This was not so her. All of this wasn't her.

Everything felt surreal like it was happening to somebody else and not to her. She was in a state. Not believing anything. Her head was spinning and her mind went blank processing slowly what was real and what not.

She was too confused and drove home in auto-pilot.


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