7. Arabela Vs. Kimbal: The inevitable face-off!

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The second Arabela set foot inside the confinement of her office, she let out yet another frustrated sigh that she'd been holding the moment Kimbal appeared in her world again.

She was beyond furious that she wanted to laugh out loud and she did just like that. Arabela was laughing so hard that she didn't felt that tears freely running on her still red cheeks. Actually she'd been accused to have a really weird sense of humor. And boy how she couldn't help being crazy crazy when she knew for a fact that sooner or later she needed but hated take note, to see Kimbal eye to eye again.

And truth to be told Arabela kept her pacing back and forth around her mahogany table. The mixture of her embarrassment and fury was still residing quite happily inside her chest. Not to mention the fact that in any second now Kimbal will summoned her into his office to start the procedural meeting with him as instructed by his old man.

The mere thought of having him around in the same room, although they had their own clothes on and in a very different situation and agenda this time she couldn't help the panic building up in her being.

Just when she decided to run off and just forget all those hardships she went through to get on this position, she heard the knocked on her door. Her bewildered assistant passes the note to her not after asking if she was okay. Of course she was not okay!

She had to go through that awful memory lane again whether she liked it or not. And that pisses her all the more because all these years Kimbal still affected her in a not so subtle way either.

"Come see me ASAP!'' the note reads. She bored a pair of burning eyes on the small paper as if it was the one at fault and shred it into tiny pieces as if seeing the smug smile of you know who.

She was so upset that her mind wasn't working normally. With so much hesitation in her heart she dragged herself towards his office. He was still the boss after all, HER NEW BOSS no less. She doesn't have the luxury to stall any more time and with so much angst she put her professional face mask on though inside she was really a mess.

Along the way it occurred to her that if she just grabbed that ridiculous offer of her Dad way back before, she would've been anywhere in the world now and not in here, feeling like a fool. But she really do loved her job; hence, she needed to obey his orders.

It was sucked to be her...really.


Inside that closed narra door, the air was very intimidating.

The cool ambiance couldn't even hide the fact that her killing aura was on the brink of explosion.

Kimbal broke the silence just the same.

They started talking like professionals and adults though the meeting could be described as the most awkward moment she'd been into her entire life.

Mostly, they talked about work related, as the senior manager Arabela was automatically under his team.

And then suddenly, they were arguing.

"Why do you had to leave me on that room without even saying goodbye?" Kimbal wanted to know.

"Excuse me?" she said. She was taken by surprised that she couldn't decide if she heard him right.

"You know what I was talking about," he said glaring at her.

"What's this supposed to mean? This is an office sir in case you forgot and I don't talk personal matters in here." She yelled hotly when she realized that Kimbal was talking about their one night affair more than a decade ago.

"Was a simple note saying your name that hard?" he continued ignoring her outburst.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"You know what, I'm outta here. SIR!" she said emphasizing the last word. Arabela stood up and turned her back on him and ready to walk out.

"So you're just going to walk away from me----Again?" Kimbal concluded.

Arabela stopped her tracks and faced him.

"What do you want from me?" she said now exasperated.

"I want us to talk about what happened 9 years ago for starters." He said in a straight face.

"Oh you want to talk? Okay let's talk." Arabela said in high pitch voice and hand on her hips.

"Did you get pregnant?" he blurted out.

Arabela felt her blood surges up from the tips of her toe towards up her hairline. She didn't see this coming. Of all the questions he could've asked why he asked that one.

It was a very touchy subject to her that she refused on acknowledging it. Not to him. Not to her Parents. Not to anyone.

And there's no way in hell she would tell him about her son. She was being selfish but she doesn't care at all, she reckoned.

"No." she lied quite easily. "Are we done here? Sir?"

Kimbal stared at her as if looking for a clue behind her lies.

"Yeah, I guess." He mumbled.

Arabela vacated his office in an instant. Her breathing was hard when she reached her own office. She needed to get away. Kimbal must not find out about his son, her son dammit!

Arabela furiously typed her resignation letter on her computer and print it out. She was sure on herself that if she'd stay here longer than a day he would figure it out. And also if she wouldn't do this now bailing out later would be harder. Arabela knew by heart that they would just likely end up arguing and bickering every time they'd meet if she chose to stay.

Plus the fact that working with him was next to impossible. It will be like working with a demon, a very hot kind and she was tempted to play fire with him again unfortunately.

She cursed her hormones for still being crazy on his intent gaze.

Arabela felt exhausted and the need of taking some time off seems very appealing.

She needed a space to think, relax and rebuilt her composure.

Yes, it was just been only 3 hours ago after meeting him again, and whether she admits it or not old Arabela was threatening to come out anytime soon.

Damn her hormones!

And she couldn't afford any of that with her new life now. Naïve Arabella belongs to her past. And she was unsure if she could still handle her old self again.

And like a coward that she was, she will run away again and that doesn't sit well on her stomach as she sped off living the second love of her life, which was her job.

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