6. When the ghost of the past bites you in the ass...

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All the blood on Arabela's almost blank face and obviously failing to hide the shock had drained the instant she caught the sight of him. Him who could've been dead on her steps for all she cares. That was a lot of venom and angst right there.

But for some unfathomable reason, she couldn't help it but to remain as stoic and as unaffected as she could managed because all those time, those strange emotions she had buried deep within her skeleton closet years ago had been threatening to resurface the second she recognized who he was.

Damn him for having those same thick brows which was still bushy and kind of funny that drove her crazy. And those deep set eyes of him that could see through her soul and made her believed that there was really a God. And oh how could she ever forget that pointed nose she come to love pressing at least on that very short-live time with him that donned his pretty face, was still all the same good for him and unfortunately for her.

The only difference now was just the laughed lines crinkled on the side of his eye that added some serious character on his face but that flaw didn't hide the fact that this man still got it.

A hunk with a lot of cash! Hah!

It was a very lethal combination women would go after, nowadays she'd bitterly thought.

Arabela shook his head hoping him to disappear in front of her.

She had never prepared herself for this day. Actually, she was so sure on herself on not meeting him again. But here he was proudly towering her over and stealing her air space.

This unexpected face-off to the man she tried to forget and but unconsciously aching to see again was inevitable.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" she snapped.

For a moment there, she forgot where she was and who she was. It was already too late when she realized what she'd said was pretty much immature of her to be all emotional in front of everyone no less.

The damage had already done. All the attention was now on her- on them. Every eye in the room looked at her expectantly.

Some got confused. Some gossips. It seemed she grew two heads or something.

The world stopped and fell silent.

There was so much tension in the air, no one wanted to move for fear of creating sound and will be the next recipient of her foul mood.

Arabela could hear her heart frantically pounding wildly from the mix of range and embarrassment.

In her mind, she prayed all the prayers she knew silently.

She wanted to run miles away. She would pay whatever to whomever just not to be here.

TODAY-- at this exact spot--- the boiling hotspot.

But she also knew that it was next to impossible and stupid even just the fact that she was thinking of it.

She stared at him blankly. And for the third time their eyes met. His faint blue eyes were twinkling and dancing.

Does he look amused??

He. Is. Amused.

Was he Nuts? Erased that. He. IS. NUTS!!

Her fury stirred up again.

She clenched her fist so hard her hand became as pale as her dress.

"Eherm", Mr. Chua cleared his throat that caught every body's attention just in time.

"Now people, as I was saying, I would be retiring soon and I would like to introduce to you my son. Kimbal Chua, the new CEO of CRS. Son, come here." He ordered.

Kimbal, the same Kimbal in her past, casually walked passed her and went in front of everybody next to his father not after he touched her face and whispered "Hot" under his breath as he walked away.

How dare him! As if his teasing wasn't bad enough Arabella's mouth fell open that could reached the floor if it could, when she heard what the old Mr. Chua said next.

"Arabella my ace employee can assist you in the Financial Reports and everything about finances. You'll be working hand in hand together from now on. And it seems an introduction was not necessary anymore." Mr. Chua, the older one, laughs at his own joke and everyone followed.

Kimbal smirked in her way.

Arabella blushed. Her ears so red she wished of evaporating together with the smirked on the devil's face.

Kimbal cornered her after the meeting was adjourned and everyone went back to work and whispered:

" Hmm, Still feisty, aren't we?" he said and playfully squeezed both her cheeks.

Her eyebrows automatically furrowed and slapped his hands off her face. Kimbal invaded her breathing space and whispered for-her-ears-only,

"Hide & seek was over, my little-ms-feisty!"

"Whatever Ass!!' she retorted back in gritted teeth hoping no one was paying attention to them.

Though he woke up her curiosity on what he meant by that statement she brushed it off and gave him her winning smile, sarcastically.

"Babe my middle name was bad-ass, remember?" he grinned and pinched her ass.

Arabela's eyes went wide.

Kimbal barks into laughter and left her totally annoyed when his old man asked him into his room.

Arabella stuck out his tongue on his back and stomped her feet so hard to let out her frustration with the promise of killing him the next time they'd meet.

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