Unlikely Love Story 2: Unconventional Fucked- up Affair!

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"I fucking swear to God, I will fucking cut your nuts and feed it to Monkey." Cara screamed out with so much passion as she gripped tightly on Shin's poor left hand like by doing that, he could somehow ease her pains.

She has been at it since 3 am this morning and its now 12pm and Shin wonders how she comes up with too much to count profanity directly at him.

For a pregnant woman in labour, she sure has too much energy to be angry.

Shin might as well complain why he is the only target today.

You see, there are also two other people in the room and for some reason, Cara only sees him.

Shin shoots pleading looks to his traitor "friends" which oddly had been quiet this whole time because they were the most talkative and raucous people, he has ever met on this lifetime.

Then it dawns on him that something must have happened before he arrives at the hospital.

"A little help here will be very much appreciated" he remarks.

But Kenny just smirks at him evilly and Louis won't even meet his eyes, and Shin finally confirmed his suspicions. This evil of a woman probably also bribed poor Louis with the newest scarf from YSL if his odd behaviour to go by, tell something to Cara that somehow fuels her anger towards him.

"The fuck you need help for? I'm the one fucking in pain with these monsters of yours." Cara yelled at him to catch his attention.

He sighed.

Shin couldn't feel his hand any longer and he is sure his charm won't work this time with the very angry woman so he stays silent and pray for some miracles.

"After they come out, I will fucking have your head and hang it in my room." She threatened and Shin shivers.

Louis burst out laughing at that but Cara just glares at him which shuts him up and Kenny hugged him in comfort.

Like where is the justice? He has been being yelled at for hours and Kenny wont even comfort him, that bitch.

"Now, now no need for that." The friendly doctor finally arrives and effectively change Cara's demeanour.

HE felt relieved for the distraction.

The OB checked Cara and Shin silently thanks whoever is watching for answering his prayer.

"It's time to deliver the babies." The doctor announces and Kenny and Louis cheers.

Cara looked at him.

"You, come with me." She ordered.

Why me?

Of course, I can't say that out loud or she will go off again.

"Can Louis come too?" I asked the doctor instead.

"Sorry only one of you can come with her." The doctor denied.

Shin wondered why it come to this.

Don't get him wrong, he already loved the babies, but if you look at it closely, none of them actually knows who knocks her up.

It could be him. Could be Louis.

But if he brought this up now, maybe Cara will put her words into action and hang his head in her room being pregnant and all, if Kenny or Louis won't kill him first that is.

Not to mention his inner doubts that he never has the guts to share to anyone, if he is really ready to be an adult and be a father to these innocent little humans.

These are the times he wishes his best friend Arabella is still around. But if she is, that night will never happen in the first place.

And Shin wonders if she still remembers him.

For now, he can only wish.

A/N: I just made this draft. Basically, this is the heart of the story. Probably!

 Again, I wanna apologized to anyone who is waiting for this. BE ready to be annoyed again. This time I wont warn you. You know the drill. So goodluck reading it. 

Also, I will publish this book on its own. You can call this a "teaser' of some sort. Lmao! 

Kindly point out grammar errors and if you like the plot. :D

Unlikely Love Story Series: Screwed-up Affair!Where stories live. Discover now