Chapter 70.

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(Forcing myself to update. Guys if there is a day that I don't update, this means something is wrong ok.)

Lila's POV

I opened my purse, digging for the car keys. I knew something would happen. If only Ana and I stayed at home. But he'd probably talk with someone else. I open the door and get inside jamming the key in the ignition. Harry watches but doesn't do anything. I speed off, leaving him there. I tighten my grip around the steering wheel and drive fast. Tears block my vision, but not too much. I try to turn the radio up loud to block out my crying. I haven't even noticed that I ran several stop lights until the police flashed their lights.

Shoot. Should I make a run for it? I decide against it and pull over on the nearest curb. I turn the car off and wait for the officer. What will happen? Will I go to jail? I don't like this already. I glance in the review mirror and the guy officer os on his way. I roll my window down and give a sweet smile as if nothing is wrong.

"License and registration, please," He orders once he is at the window. Uh, I'm not sure I have that. I check my phone and I have a missed call from Harry. The officer clears his throat loudly. Right. I open the glove compartment and the first thing that pops out is the registration.

"I don't have a license..but here's the registration," I say.

"Under Harry Styles?" He asks.

"What the hell?" I sigh.

"So this is a stolen vehicle?" He suggests.

"What? No!" I say.

"Ma'am please step out of the vehicle," He commanded.


"Now," He says much louder. I sigh and step out of the car in response.

"Do you know Harry Styles?" The officer asks.

"Yes, he's my...he's my boyfriend," I say.

"From that boy band right?" He asks.

"Yeah. Am I going to jail?" I wonder.

"I don't know yet. You have no license and a stolen" He says.

"It's not a stolen vehicle!" I shriek as the officer pulled a double shot of Hennessey from under the passenger seat. It was half empty.

"And drinking and driving?" He says.

"That's not mine!" I say my eyes getting wide.

"Ma'am, what's you're name?" He questions.

"Lila. Lila Tomlinson. Austin. Austin is there," I say.

"Austin or Tomlinson?" He says pulling out a laptop.

"It's Lila Ann Austin-Tomlinson," I sigh. He types it and all my information pops up.

"You're only seventeen?"

"Uh eighteen this year," I say.

"Can you call your boyfriend, Harry Styles?" He says.

"Sure," I pull out my cell phone and dial Harry's number.

"Hello? Lila, look I can explain.." Harry begins.

"No. I've gotten pulled over and I think I'm going to jail. You gotta pick up this car," I say.

"What? What happened?" He sighs.

"Well, you made me angry and I passed like eight lights and I got pulled over," I scoff.

"So you don't know how to drive now?"

"I do! I don't have license--"

"That's not my fault! I told you earlier!"

"Yeah, but there is liquor in this car! And the registration is in you're name so this guy thinks it's stolen!" I shriek.

"Oh..." He says.

"Yeah, oh." I say angrily, handing the phone to the officer. Minutes later a female officer comes to his side in a different car and searces me for any weapons or things I shouldn't have.

"Place you're hands behind you're back," She says. I do as told and hear the sound of metal handcuffs. She puts them on my wrists tightly. Then the first flash if the night. Great. Paparazzi.

Harry's POV

When I arrived at the specific place only one cop car was there and the guy officer was waiting patiently. I stepped out my black truck leaving Ana in the truck. It's best to not tell Louis just yet. He'd be all over my case. It's dark as hell how could she not see these lights.

"Who are you?" The officer asks.

"I'm Harry," I say showing him my Identication card. He takes it looking from the card to me. I kind of have a goofy grin in the picture so...

"And you're nineteen?" He mutters.

"Almost twenty," I proudly boast.

"Is Lila Austin you're girlfriend?" He asks.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Do you have sex?" He asks.

"What the hell? No," I say my eyes getting wide.

"Well sir, take this car back to your property, Ms. Austin is going in for the night, she needs her parent or guardian to pick her up because she is seventeen," He says.

"What about older brother? He's twenty two," I say.

"Uh no. Have a nice night, sir," He goes back to his car and drive off. Perrie. Fucking Perrie. She was upset with me so she probably stuffed that liquor there. Probably Louis. You never know. I walk back to my truck.

"What now?" Ana says. I jump, forgetting she even came.

"Oh, now you drive this truck and I drive the car home," I say as Ana cringes.

"But...I can't drive!" She blurted.

"Well try. Don't crash, please. Be carefull," I say and we exchanged keys.

I walk back to the car and get inside starting the car and we drive back home and Ana's not that bad of a drivet for a first timer. We park in the driveway and Liam calls.

"Hello?" I say.

"Where is Lila? Because--"

"Why the hell do you care? Where is Louis?" I say.

"Louis is drunk. I've always cared about--" That's where I hung up. Bull shit. And more bull shit.

I don't have time for this, we have a flight tomorrow. I quickly call Lily and tell her the news. She sounds disappointed. So disappointed. But what can I do? So I have to sleep without Lila? I hope there's no creeps there bothering her. I shuttered at the thought.

"Harry!" Ana said snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Uh what?"

"It's cold!" She nearly shouts. Right! I get the keys and open the door and we walk in the flat. I go in my room and lie down, going to sleep. Another nightmare consumes me, and I'm deep in sleep.


Okay sorry its soooo late its eleven pm here so yeah hella sleepy. night guyyys. love ya.

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