Chapter Eight

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Play the song whenever. Its how Adym wants Maddie to feel.

Maddie's POV

I woke up and I was in a room. I wasn't quite sure where I was. I looked  around. I noticed that I was in a hospital room. Why though? I heard the sound of people talking but it stopped when a man that looked my age came running in. "Hi baby" he said looking at me. "Umm sir there is something we need to tell y--" I cut off the doctor that was speaking. "Umm who are you and why did you call me baby" I questioned the dude my age. He gave a confused look. "Sir, we had to treat her with medicine because she was starting to get very bad side effects from poison. She has Amnesia. She doesn't remember anything from this year" The doctor said and then walked out of the room. I felt really bad I didn't remember him.  " I'm sorry and it's sad how you were such a big part of my life and now you don't remember me and even though you don't remember, you still mean the world to me. I love you. I was you boyfriend. When you said you loved me, I always wanted to make sure you knew I loved you more and your arms around me felt like home...i'm homesick" he said smiling with a few tears falling from his cheek. I felt so bad I bursted into tears. I looked up and our eyes met. Then the door bursted open interrupting the stare. It was Lisa. I smiled. She smiled back and ran up to me with a few tears. She hugged me tighter than ever before. "Are you okay" she asked worried. "Yea, but can you tell what happened" I asked kind of impatient. "You don't remember" she asked and looked over at the dude. "She has Amnesia, she doesn't remember anything from this year" he said and started to silently cry. 

Lisa's POV(exclusive one-time thing)

She didn't remember Adym. He must be heart broken. "Maddie I wasn't there half of the time, but Adym can tell you" I said. She gave me a confused look. I pointed over to Adym. I looked over at him once more. He used to have joy in his eyes. Joy from Maddie. But now all there is, is pain. Pain, and sadness. I hated seeing him like this. Over the past few weeks we have bonded. He was like a brother to me. I needed Maddie to remember. I let Adym explain to Maddie while I went to talk to a doctor. I walked up to a nurse and asked her for the doctor that was caring for Maddie. Soon a man walked up to me. "Hi you asked for the doctor of Maddie, that's me" he said."Yes, um I was wondering if there was anyway Maddie could get her memory back" I asked. very quickly. He stood there to taking in everything I just said.  "There is a slight chance but it is very unlikely" He said then walked off to help someone else. I smiled. The fact that there is even a slight chance she could remember made me happy. I walked back in the room. Maddie was crying a little and Adym was sitting on a chair near the corner of the room crying.  I walked over to him. "Adym can I talk to you in the hallway please" as soon as I said that he looked up at me. He got up and we walked out of the room. "Adym I need you to fight" he gave me a confused look.  "There is a chance she can remember. A slight chance. But it's still a chance" His eye's lit up. He smiled then ran back in the room.

Adym's POV

I smiled then ran back into the room. "Maddie please" I said trying to catch my breath. "Please what" she asked with a slight giggle. "Maddie please let me help you remember" I said. She sat there shocked. "You seem like a nice guy and Lisa says that I was madly in love with you. She said for six month and that I had never been happier. So..." she said waving for me to come over to her. I walked closer to her. "Adym.." she hesitated and hoped it was my name. I nodded for her to continue. "Adym make me remember" she said pulling me into a kiss. I still felt sparks. I never lost them. 

*One week Later (still Adym's POV)

Maddie got out of the hospital yesterday.  She still doesn't remember much of me. She only know my name, age, and that we dated. I walked into the living room of our apartment. Her and Lisa were sitting on the couch. "So Maddie I was wondering if I could take you on a date tonight" I said sitting next to her. She nodded. I think she is crushing on me. I mean she can't fully like me yet. In the situation we are in it's like we just met like a week ago. I saw her smile slightly. That brightened my day. I love her so much.

Maddie's POV

Adym asked me out on a date. I just nodded in response. I looked all calm on the outside, but on the inside I was excited AF.  I was starting to really like him. I completely forgot who he was and yet he is still here trying to get me with him. They other dudes I dated would have left and slept with another girl by now. "What time" I asked calmly. I didn't want him to know I was overly excited. I don't like expressing most of my emotions. I find it embarrassing. After what happened with James about a year and a half ago I have had anxiety. The only people to know about it was my parents and Lisa. "About  nine" I could feel him staring at me. If I looked at him he would see the joy in my heart. But I could help it. I peeped over at him and smiled. "You know Maddie, a joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love" he said smirking. Damn it, see I told you. I blushed and looked down. I hate when I blush I look so ugly. "Don't hide your blush it's beautiful". Does this boy read my mind? I checked my phone to see what time it was. I had an hour to get ready. "I should get ready it's eight" I said getting up.  

Adym's POV

She got up and started to go to her room. Her room was upstairs so she started up the stairs. After about two steps she froze. Her eyes widened. "Maddie" I asked worried. She didn't reply. She just stood there. I got up and ran up to her. She was like a statue. She a tear just rolled down her cheek. I shook her shoulder lightly. She didn't even look at me. "Maddie" I yelled. Lisa came running to me. I don't know why I worried this much. She was still breathing. I shouldn't worry. She will be fine. Right? "Adym calm down" Lisa said. I didn't realize I was worrying this much until she said that. "Worrying doesn't change the outcome".

How did you guys like this chapter? Again sorry for the late chapter. But we got to 1.23K!!! How?  Comment ideas for future chapters. Thanks! Bye<3

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