Chapter Seven

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 So you're probably mad I didn't post Wednesday, but I have an excuse. So on the day before Valentine's Day my friend pranked me and made me think someone liked me and wanted to be my valentine. Well you see she tried to get someone to ask me out then say 'SIKE'! Then I found out about the prank before it happened and decided to get her back and I made her think her that her crush she has had for four years likes her. She fell for it. Then I found out she was never going to do the prank. I felt bad and told her. So I spent all week fixing our friendship. But we're all good now. So let's start this chapter!

Plus I am doing something new so don't play the song till I tell you too.

Adym's POV

I ran up to the car. My heart broke. She was just laying there.Not moving. I quickly called the police and an ambulance was suppose to be here any minute. Then I heard sirens. I was so revealed. They put her on a stretcher and then drove off. I couldn't move I was scared, shocked, and pissed from what happened. Then police came and talked to me. They ended up arresting James. Then I got in my jeep and rove to the hospital. I was so nervous. 

  Once I got there I ran in the doors and up to a lady sitting at a desk. I felt a cold gush of air but I ignored it. "My girlfriend just got here and I want to now if she is okay" I said. She could see the worry in my eyes. I was about to cry. "Um name" she asked. "Maddie" I answered her question quickly. The faster I answer the faster I can see her. "Yes, she is in surgery. A doctor can tell you what has happened. I get a doctor." She then walked away. I sat down and waited. Then a doctor came out "Maddie" he asked. I stood up and walked to him. "Yes, can you please tell me whats wrong" I asked. I was so worried. I needed her. "Well you see she had hit her head pretty hard and started to loose blood. Plus she had an panic attack ,a few slightly fractured bones, and a poison put in her. " he said. Then he walked off. I went and sat back down. For like the first time in forever, I cried. I need her. (Play song now)

Maddie's POV
  I opened my eyes and I was laying on the floor. But I don't know where. I got up and looked around. If was a hospital. Why am I here. I turned around and look through a window that showed a waiting room. It was a girl. Then I noticed that girl was me. Then I remembered everything. Tears poured from my eyes. I walked up to a lady sitting behind a desk. "Can you help me" I asked. She didn't say anything. What's happening. Then Adam walked up. My heart skipped a beat. "My girlfriend just got here and I want to see if she is okay" he said. U saw worry in his eyes. "ADYM" I screamed. He didn't hear me. "ADYM" I tried again. But there was no use. He went and sat down. Then a doctor came and talked to him about me. I didn't want to know so I just stayed next to where Adym was sitting. Then Adym came back and cried. I've never seen him cry. I wish he could hear me. 

  After a few minutes his tears slowed down a little. "Maddie, if you can hear me. Just listen. If you don't make it I will be broken. You know I don't cry. I hate when I cry because I want to show I am string for you. But At the same time, I don't want to show people how torn apart and broken I am. I just hate myself. If I never said 'Hi' to you in class you would never be here. My biggest fear if that you won't ever see me again. You'll be gone and I'll be here, without you. You make me happy and I don't want to loose you. But after everything that happened. Just please... love me." he said and then cried himself to sleep. I love him. I need to fight. I love him with all my heart. He just seems broken. But I still have words that are unspoken.

Adym's POV

  After about seven hours they called for me and said she is done with surgery, but she wasn't awake. I walked in and sat in a chair next to her. "Please wake up, I need you" then I cried a little more. Maddie is the best thing I have ever witnessed. "Maddie, I love you". I took her hand and held it with mine. If she doesn't wake up I don't know what I will do with my life. Just please wake up Maddie. More tears fell down my cheek. Then my vision became blurry. I love her.

Maddie's POV

   Adym got up and then talked to a doctor. bout two minutes later he walks to a room. I got up to check, but I froze. Everything froze. Then everything was getting really bright. So bright all I could see was a bright white light. Then I heard "Please wake up, I need you" and "Maddie, I love you". I heard crying. I realized it was Adym. I took all my strength and opened my eyes.  "I love you too" I said softly. I don't even know if he heard me. Then his head shot up. He looked at me. Our eyes connected. "I will always love you. Even if we are far, far away" I  said with a smile. He then got up and hugged me. Next thing I know there are doctors and nurses all around me saying things like "This is amazing","It's a miracle", "she is so lucky", or "She fought hard". A tear of happiness fell down my cheek. How am I alive?

Adym's POV

 I was still balling my eyes out when I heard " I love you too". I immediately look up and see Maddie awake. I smile. "I will always love you, even if we are far, far way" she said. She fought hard. I got up and hugged her. Then before I could say anything doctors and nurses come rushing in and pushing me away from Maddie. "Sir we need you to leave so we can run test" a lady said. I nodded and left. I smiled at the fact she was awake. I went and sat in the waiting room. 

  After about fifteen minutes five police officers cam walking through the doors. I got up and walked over to them. "Are you here with Maddie" I nodded as a reply. They asked questions then I remembered Lisa. I called her.

Italic is Adym and Bold is Lisa...


Hey Lisa I need you down at the Hospital.

WHAT! why? I could tell she was worried.

It was James. He hurt her.

Okay I will be there in ten. Stay strong Maddie.

She then hung up. Then another police officer walked up to me. "Um sir, we have some news" he said. "What" I kinda got nervous. "James somehow escaped and now we have to kept watch over Maddie until he is found" when he said those words my blood started to boil. That bitch won't dare touch her again or he will regret it.

  After about five minutes of talking a nurse said I could go back to Maddie. I kept my eyes wide and tried to make sure I didn't see anything suspicious.  I mean I'm no FBI agent but I can keep Maddie safe and protected while knowing her surroundings are safe. I walk in and she looked up at me. "Hi baby" I said to her. "Umm sir there is something we need to tell y--" he was cut off. "Umm Who are you and why did you call me Baby" Maddie asked. I gave her a confused look. "Sir, we had to treat her with medicine because she was starting to get very bad side effects from the poison. She has Amnesia. She doesn't remember anything from this year". Once he said that, I knew. I knew how sad I'm going to be. I looked at Maddie and said " I'm sorry and it's sad how you were such a big part of my life and know and now you don't remember me and even though you don't remember me, you still mean the world to me. I love you. I was your boyfriend. When you said you loved me, I always wanted to make sure you knew I loved you more and your arms around me felt life home... I'm homesick

Well how do you like this weeks chapter? Comment ideas and thoughts. Maybe a new character? I don't know yet. LOL . Oh and thanks you guys for over five hundred reads. I thought I would only get like twenty reads at the most. Bye<3.

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