Chapter IV (Beginning of June)

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I don't know the path you've chosen for me to embark in life, but I open my arms and willing accept your love and guidance. Without you there is no me, I ask that you annoint my head with oil and that my cup runnith over with love, grace, mercy, and most of all patience. I ask that you take watch over my enemies, and prevent me from blocking my own blessings. Lord, I ask that you take watch over my son, help him to know that he is loved with every fiber of my being. I want to be strong, I want to be wise, but most of all I want you to purify my heart. 

Aniyah began her day as she always did, with prayer. She had denied God in her life for so long because of her sexuality, but then she remembered that God loves all his children despite their flaws. We are born into sin, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a heart that forgives. It was this faith, this spirit of renewal that kept her fighting everyday for something greater than herself. She'd thought about the countless times she tried to push the idea of having Chase out her mind, but her heart and her mind couldn't stomach it for long. Besides, she had Adrian now and he wouldn't allow her to fall by the wayside. Rising from her knees and walking into her adjoining bathroom to soak, her phone began to ring.

"Good morning," Asia's sultry voice boomed through the phone.

"Morning boss," Aniyah said with a yawn, it was too early and it was the weekend. Things at Maddox were running smoothly, Jason was beyond thrilled with her progress, and they showed a large marginal growth in their market. There was nothing for her and Asia to discuss at 8AM on a Saturday, if it was about Chase, Sev would call.

"Boss...I remember the times you'd practically moan into the phone at the sound of my voice. I remember a lot of things, but I guess you'd rather forget. Yet, that is not the reasoning behind my call this morning. You should receive a plane ticket in the mail this morning for you to fly out here this afternoon. I don't know if Sev informed you or not, but Chase is having his first event with Jack & Jill tomorrow, and he requested you as his special guest," she said being slick but playing on Asia's emotions.

"Asia why would you wait to the last possible moment to tell me that I had to fly out there for Chase. I'm beginning to think these little games are some sick twisted way of you trying to play God in my life, and I'm sorry I'm not rowing that way anymore. I will be there for Chase, but I'm bringing someone with me, good day" and with that she ended the call. No, she didn't have any pressing plans for the day, and Asia always jumped at the chance to spend anytime with Chase. Now all she had to do was convince Adrian to join her on this trip. She proceed with her original plans of soaking the in the luxurious bath and just cleansing her mind along with her body. She'd deal with Adrian when she was done. About a half hour later, she had mustered enough courage to tell him he HAD to go with her, what were friends for anyways?

"Well if it isn't little Miss Thing banging on my door so damn early," Andrew smiled down at her when she knocked on their apartment door. Andrew was truly a character dressed in a chiffon robe, with this now growing curls in small rods. Sometimes it seemed he wanted to be this boisterous overly masculine character, and some days he was more of a lady than Asia was. She guessed it depended on how the wind blew that day.

"Well don't you look fabulous darling. I came to request that a Mr. Adrian Tosh Livingston accompany me to New York this evening for a very special event, for a very special young man" she said laughing with her new best-friend.

"What no invite for litte ol' me? It's okay babycakes, I've got a hot date tonight anyway, besides Drew here doesn't really have a thing for the kids. Although I think me and Chase will get along just fine if he's anything like his real momma," he threw back while escorting her into their family room.

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