Chapter XIII (Beginning of September)

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I have tried everything within me, heart & mind, flesh & soul, to be an unselfish and caring woman. Yet, I feel as though all of the sacrifices I've made mean absolutely nothing anymore. Have you forsaken me Lord? Have you forgotten about your child? This pain in my heart, this unwavering doubt in my mind is slowly killing me and I just want to break free. I love you Lord and I know you love my child because you've allowed him to flourish and change our lives in ways unimaginable. Help me find peace in whatever decision we must make. I know Sevyn doesn't agree with the decisions I make, but he doesn't understand. Chase and you are the only things I know I'll have for a lifetime and he is my breath. Chase is everything in me I need to purify my heart and change. I don't know what I'd do without my baby, I don't know how I could continue to live. Please give me answers Lord, I beg of thee.

Aniyah prayed at the alter as she did everyday, but there was something different about today. Today she knew that she had a decision to make about not only her future, but about Chase's as well. She had constantly gone over her discussion with Sev more and more, and she just didn't know what to do. Why had he given up so easily? Was Monica filling his head with foolishness for her own selfish gains? Who the hell was that woman anyway?

"Good morning Ms. Johnson," the doctor said as he walked into the room checking the boys' chart.

"Morning Dr. Moreaux, how's he doing?"

"Well we did a cat scan yesterday and there is some brain activitiy so he's conscious. It's a small victory, but it's something to give us some hope. You all should try talking to him, even perhaps reading. He can hear you," the doctor replied smiling at the shocked face she gave him.

"So he's going to pull through,"

"It appears that way, it was really touch and go for a moment. He won't be out of the woods for quite sometime, but I think in about some months time he'll be fine. You have to keep the faith Ms. Johnson," and with that he was out of the room. She was elated, just when she began to doubt that God indeed had a plan for her life, things turned around. She tried to remember Job and how his faith caused him a multitude of blessings because no matter what was inflicted on him he never questioned the Lord. 

"Seems like our boy is a champ," 


"Yeah, you didn't think I'd leave you alone for too long did you. Andrew had a feeling that you needed some family around, you sounded really upset when we spoke yesterday. So...we hopped on the first flight out here,"

"Hey busy bee," Andrew threw out at her. She was extremely elated, two of the most important men in her life were here to witness the miracle that had only strengthened her faith in God. Also, there was something drastically different about Andrew. Gone were the curls and feminine make up he wore before she left Chicago. Now he stood next to his twin sporting a fade and a black V-neck with some Levi jeans and Timberland boots. He also seemed to have a glow about his face, something had happened in the short time she'd been away from home.

"Andrew what's going on?"

"Well, I met somebody and I knew if I wanted to be the man she wanted, then some things had to change,"

"I thought you were gay,"

"No honey, I don't define my sexuality. I'm like a chameleon, I adapt to any situation placed before me. I like to be who and what I am, and I express that with however I'm feeling at the moment. I do think I've found someone who accepts that and I'm willing to do whatever to make her happy," he said laughing.

"Now what's going on with our champ, I overheard a little bit of what the doctor was saying," Adrian asked as he slowly rubbed circles in her back. He didn't know how soothing that was for her at the moment.

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