Chapter VI (Middle of June)

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Father God,

I come to you in prayer asking for peace, love, and understanding. Cover me with the blood of Jesus that my heart and mind are in the right place. I know what I want isn't always good for me, and that I need to allow you to take the wheel. Allow me to the be the woman you desire me to be, allow me to forgive, but never forget. Allow me to have the voice, the will, the power to make things right. I know that through you all things are possible. I don't know exactly where I'm going in life and I'm afraid, I'm afraid to take my hands off the wheel and allow you to drive. I fear the unknown and I fear making mistakes, not matter how minute they may appear to be. I'm struggling, but as always I ask that you purify my heart and return me to you. I thank you for your love, your glory, and your patience with a sinner like me. 


Aniyah rose off her knees and finished applying the last of her makeup. She looked absolutely stunning and she knew that she'd just knock everybody off their square. Lately she hadn't been into making her self look like a star, but when Chase was in the picture she had to be perfect, because in her eyes he was the epitome of perfect in every way. In the next 15 minutes she, Sev, and Chase would descend upon the runway and make his grand debut into the Jack and Jill society. Many people would raise an eyebrow because Asia wouldn't be carrying him, but this is what Chase specifically asked for...his mother walking. Sev looked decadent in a matching blue and gold suit styled like Chase and the smile he wore was daring. For him, this was the opportunity to show people how much of a family man he was, and show Aniyah how good they looked together.

"Five minutes you guys," the director peeked in to warn them.

"You look pretty Mommy," Chase said grabbing Aniyah's hand and walking her to the door, stopping along the way to grab Sev's hand.

"Thank you baby, and you're the most handsome boy in the world,"

"Even better than Daddy?"

"Even better than your Daddy," she said laughing and looking at Sev's mocked frown. She did have to admit to herself they were a good looking pair.

"It's showtime," Sev announced picking Chase up and ascending upon the stairs to the runway.

They were the most beautiful family as the lights shown up them in their radiant blue and gold outfits. Aniyah's hair swept across her face ever so elegantly and the way she held Sev's hand as he carried their love child was precious. The audience cooed over the velvety skinned family, and Chase's curly head laid across his father's shoulder and eyes frozen on his mother was heavenly. When they reached the end of the runway he jumped out his father's arms and gave his mommy a kiss on her cheek, bowed, and ran back up the runway. Everybody was in stitches at the little boy's antics and his parents just shrugged their shoulders and walked back to their dressing room. They had no worries...not a care in the world. 

"I could puke," Asia said to Jason as she sipped from her decorative flask.

"Jealous that he asked for her over you, or mad that your husband had a sparkle in his eye when he watched her move?"

"Fuck you Jason,"

"Don't get mad at me because you're fighting a losing game. You need to let it go Asia and move on. You have money, fame, and you run one of the top advertising and marketing companies in the nation. What do you have to lose, a husband you barely love anyways? I'm sure Aniyah would be more than fair with sharing Chase and allowing you to be a part of his life. Why keep hurting yourself?," he asked her earnestly.

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