Not a dream

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(Music Soundtrack uptop)


November 10, 8:31 pm

A tear falls from my face, as I feel my back being hit with the belt. 'Slap' I flinch every time I hear the belt hit my skin. I should be used to this. I tell myself that all the time, but it never seems to work. I make a grimace look, as I feel another hit. I believe it was the tenth one or the twenties, I've lost count.

I look up to see my aunt sipping her cup of tea, as she raises an eyebrow at me. All I did wrong was I forgot one of my chores, which was wash the dishes. I can't take the pain anymore. I look up on the shelf next to me to see a glass cup, that I could use. I've done this countless times, it works all the time normally.

I wait as my uncle gets ready for another hit. I make my move as I reach for the glass cup. I take it in my hands, and smash it against is head near his temple, careful not to hit his eye. He yells in pain, as I run to the door opening it. I run through the door, and down the driveway. I can hear my aunt yelling after me, but I keep on running.

The pain in my back is killing me as I run through the dark forest. I can feel blood, probably from my previous beating scars, as well as the new. I don't realize that I'm barefooted, wearing only my shorts and white long sleeve shirt.

I stop when I hear rushing waters. I walk towards it and see a rushing rapid river. It's pitch black, with only the moonlight as my guide. The stars look amazing at this time of night, with a clear sky. I sit on a rock and admire the night, not caring about the pain. I look down at the water, and I see my reflection. I title my head as if I'm seeing a stranger.

(Cara Delevingne -Bella)

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(Cara Delevingne -Bella)

My dirty blonde hair, my hazel eyes all seem so foreign to me. I guess I'm not the little thirteen-year-old girl I was long ago. Back then my eyes weren't so dull. I smile as I remember my dad calling them beautiful, telling me that they were unique. I don't know how my mom and I have the same eyes. My older brother called them weird because he never could tell if they were green, blue, or gray. I laughed at that all the time. I have my fathers hair although and his personality. Outspoken to much.

A tear falls from my cheek. I can't make up my mind, if it's because of the pain, or because I remember my parents. I look at my reflection one more time, then look at the rushing waters. I stare at it wondering if I should jump in, and let the currents take me away. Away from this hell. I sigh and shake my head. I get off the rock and walk down a path.


I found a little hideaway. I'm in a tiny like cave, where I sit on the ground. I pray that a bear doesn't live here, and kills me. Then again I wouldn't mind. I play with a stick and draw lines in the dirt. I feel my eyes get droopy. I yawn and finally decide to go home, or whatever it's called. Home isn't the word.

I make it to the front of the forest, where I see the neighborhood. I walk alongside the sidewalk, back to hell. I stop when I see flashing lights, and police cars all on my driveway. I see Uncle Jim being handcuffed and shoved into the back of a cop car. I look at aunty Mia, to see she is to taken into a cop car.

I make a confused expression, as I look at what just happened. Am I free? I ask myself. I then see middle aged women, that I for some reason recognize, talking with an officer. I take a step, but I then feel light headed. I wobble a little but gain my balance. I take another, but it comes back. I then hear my name.

"Bella?" I look to see the middle-aged women speaking.

She looks at me up and down, with a concerned look on her face. My vision clears. I finally see who it is. It's my cousin Amber. I haven't seen her since I was fourteen. She's around thirty I believe. I give a faint smile, then feel the world go blurry again. I let myself fall.

I hit the ground, and feel the grass on my face. I hear someone yell for a medic. I feel strong arms carry me, then lay me on something soft. I am then lifted into what I believe is the ambulance. I let my eye close, as I hear the people yelling for me to stay awake. I hear Ambers' especially. I finally drift off, praying that what I just saw wasn't a dream.

November 12:00 pm (two days later)

I open my eyes. I look to see a light above me, and strange beeping noises. I look around the room to see someone sleeping in a chair. Amber. I look at my arm, to see wires in them. I slowly sit up, but in doing so I knock down a remote. It makes a crashing sound, as it hits the ground.

Amber wakes up in a startle. She rubs her eyes, then looks at me. I smile a little. Her eyes widen and jump out of her seat. She gives me a bear hug. I hug her back.

"Hey Am, you're kinda crushing me," I tell her while patting her back.

  "Oh sorry," she says, and backs away. "I'm just so glad you're okay."

"What happened?" I ask.

She gives me a concerned look, then she starts to cry. "Bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't know they were doing that to you, If I had known earlier I would have taken you myself. I'm so sorry." she takes my hand.

"Who told you?" I ask, kinda ignoring her hand on mine.

  "A neighbor saw through the window what Uncle Jim was doing to you. She then called the police, but when they arrived you were gone. The police have been on his case for a long time. I'm just glad we got there in time." she tells me, rubbing my hand.

"Is it over?" I ask her, a lump in my throat forms.

Her eyes are bloodshot red. She nods and smiles through her tears. "Yes."

I start to cry to. A  year of hell, now I'm finally out. I'm...happy. For the first time in a long time, I found that feeling again. I then wonder why I didn't call anyone sooner. I remember I did, they didn't believe me. Believe me now b**tch.

I don't want this to end. Please don't be a dream. I pinch my finger with my nails, I feel the sharp pain. More tears appear. This is not a dream, I am free.

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