What are you talking about?

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(Soundtrack above)

Bella's POV

12:00 pm

I've called Amber about thirty times now, still no answer. Mia was supposed to drive me home, but she's to busy with some guy. I can't help but feel angry. So much for a best friend. Then again I don't really give a shit about her, we only met a couple days ago.

I try calling Zack to come pick me up, but he's busy. I guess I'm walking home, which is about half an hour away. Then again that was in a car, walking will be much longer. I groan in frustration. I open the patio back gate and walk across the grass. I text Mia to tell her that I'm leaving.

I make it to the side walk and take out my ear buds. I plug them into my phone, I play the song 'Say you love me' by Jessie Ware.

I turn up the volume, then shove my hands in my pockets. Cars pass me by and I can't help but feel self-conscious. Like a guy in a van is going to take me. I check my phone to see still no messages from Amber, or Mia. I put my phone back and continue walking.

2:56 am

I feel weak as I take the final steps up my drive way. I finally made it home, after two hours. Only now I have to go to school. Amber and Eli are going to kill me for being late. I open the door, surprised that it was unlock. I closed it behind me and walked up the stairs, ever so slowly.

I walk into my room and plop on my bed I then close my eyes. I don't even take off my clothes, from the party. The room goes blurry and I drift off to sleep.

I'm in the car, I'm back to being thirteen and the radio plays classical music. I'm in the back seat sitting next to my brother, Alec, as he's asleep. When we get home I'm going to draw on your face. I thought to myself. Then again we never made it home.

My mom is driving, which is strange because when we go out she never drives. My dad is in the passenger's seat on his phone, talking about business. I look at my mom in the mirror and I can see something is off with her. She has sweat on her forehead and it looks like she's trying to fight something. But what?

All of a sudden she slams on the gas. Now we're going full speed. Confusions runs through my head. What is she doing? I don't understand why I'm dreaming about this, I know what happens next. My parents fight, then we go over a bridge. I then black out.

"Sweetheart slow down." my dad tells her.

My mom doesn't listen, instead keeps pressing the gas. I look over at Alec, how peaceful he is as he sleeps, not even realizing what's about to happen.

"Kara slow down the car!" this time my dad yells.

"Shut up Don!" my mom yells harshly.

My mom doesn't stop, now we're on a bridge. The bridge that we ran over.

"I know what I'm doing." my mom says, more gentle.

She looks at me in the mirror. I look back and the fear in my face is more clear. The questions go around like a tornado in my brain. I stare at my mother. Just a minute ago, she was fine. But no she looks different, she looks...insane almost. How come I don't remember any of this before?

"Don't worry my loves, we will be in a much better place."  her voice sends shivers down my spin.

"What-what are you talking about mom?" my voice shakes.

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